Internalities: Architectures for Territorial Equilibrium has selected the 16 projects that will be presented in the central hall of the Spanish Pavilion at the 19th Venice Biennale. Curated by Roi Salgueiro and Manuel Bouzas, Internalities will showcase the efforts of Spanish architecture to produce works in balance with their territory and committed to the decarbonisation of the construction sector. The exhibition will be open in Venice between 10 May and 23 November 2025.
Internalities: Architectures for Territorial Equilibrium is organised by the General Secretariat for Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda (MIVAU), together with Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

San Juan de Ruesta Hermitage Restoration (2nd Phase) by Sebastián Arquitectos. Photograph by Iñaki Bergera.
The 16 projects have been selected from the 171 proposals submitted to the Open Call that ended on 12 December. The jury was composed of the Secretary General of Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture, Iñaqui Carnicero; three renowned architects, Anna Bach, Eva Gil and María Langarita; and the two commissioners of the pavilion.
In its minutes, the jury highlighted the high quality of the 171 works presented. Therefore, in addition to the 16 projects selected for the Pavilion, another 16 finalist projects have been chosen that will be included in the exhibition catalogue.

Loggia Baseliana by Isla Architects. Photograph by Luis Díaz Díaz.
The 16 selected studios and works are:
01. Barbés UVigo by Abalo Alonso Arquitectos.
02. Las Tejedoras – Centro Productivo Comunitario by Bamba Studio and Natura Futura.
03. Vivienda Nahinuena by Bear.
04. Bloque 6x6 by Bosch.Capdeferro Arquitectura.
05. Plaza y puesto de turismo en Piodão by Branco Del Río Arquitectos.
06. Rehabilitación de cooperativa agrícola para espacio polivalente y cultural en Flix by Camps Felips Arquitecturia.
07. Casa en Arteaga by Emiliano López Mónica Rivera Arquitectos.
08. Viviendas sociales 2104 by Harquitectes.
09. Loggia Baseliana by Isla.
10. Parque de bomberos en Molà by Josep Ferrando, Pedro García, Mar Puig and Manel Casellas.
11. Parque jardines mediterráneos de La Hoya by KAUH Arquitectura y Paisajismo.
12. Ca na Pau by Munarq.
13. Raw Rooms. Casas de Tierra. 43 Viviendas sociales en Ibiza by Peris+Toral Arquitectes.
14. Rolling Stones.Restauración de la ermita de San Juan de Ruesta en el Camino de Santiago by Sebastián Arquitectos.
15. The day after house by TAKK.
16. Ca na Catalina i en Joan by TEd´A Arquitectes.
Internalities aims to explore key strategies for the decarbonisation of architecture in Spain. The exhibition presents how an emerging generation of Spanish architects proposes, through their works, how it is possible to balance ecologies with economies. The pavilion will present a series of works that recover palettes of local, regenerative and low-carbon materials. The protagonists will be wood, stone, ceramics, cork, earth, clay or plant fibres, as well as the forests, quarries, soils and plantations from which they come.

The Day After House by TAKK. Photograph by José Hevia.
The project is structured around five fundamental axes to reduce emissions from the construction sector: materials, trades, energy, waste and emissions. Each of these themes will be explored in relation to five different regions of the Iberian Peninsula and will be presented in depth in the five rooms that make up the pavilion. Each of these rooms will be coordinated by a team of architect-researchers specialised in these themes and geographical areas. In addition, the exhibition celebrates the excellence of architectural photography in our country through visual essays made specifically for the rooms. Through these reports, visitors will be able to explore the relationship between production territories and architectures of decarbonisation.
Internalities: Architectures for Territorial Equilibrium will be presented at the 19th Venice Architecture Biennale, which will take place from 10 May to 23 November 2025. Following its closing, the exhibition will embark on an international tour with several itinerancies covering various cities.