Triennale Milano presents the exhibition Gae Aulenti (1927–2012), staged in collaboration with the Archivio Gae Aulenti and curated by…
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Gae Aulenti, The Arrival at the Seaside, 1964. Installation view, Triennale Milano, Milan, 2024. Photograph by Alessandro Saletta, DSL Studio. Image courtesy of Triennale Milano
As a visual essay on three works with the grammar and different languages ​​of resistance, Galería NORDÉS presents the works of…
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Aínda sen título. White Letter [#3] to Narelle Jubelin. (Elena Asins · Narelle Jubelin · Anna Turbau). Photograph by Roi Alonso, courtesy of Galería Nordés
As a public resting place at the ASA 90th Anniversary Architects' Exhibition, architecture firm HAS design and research projects this…
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Aluminum Grotto and Public Ground by HAS design and research. Photograph by DOF Sky|Ground
Designed as "the first bunker you won't want to leave", Cozy Bunker developed thanks to WANNA's research in the 59th edition of Casa Decor, designed to function as a hiding place…
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Cozy Bunker by WANNA. Photograph by ESTUDIOBALLOON
Rhizoma was the context designed for the realization of a temporary exhibition and cycle of conferences, dialogues and architectural performances, carried out by the architectural studios of…
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RHIZOMA by Garbizu Collar Architects, KRI, and Diego Sologuren. Photogrpah by Luis Díaz Díaz