Opening, the Ágora-Bogotá events center by Estudio Herreros and Bemúdez Arquitectos

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CONSORCIO BERMÚDEZ ARQUITECTOS (Daniel B ermúdez) - ESTUDIO HERREROS (Juan Herreros Jens Richter).
Ramón Bermúdez, Gonzalo Rivas, Stan Van der Maas
Carmen Antón (eH), Juan Carlos Ardila (BA), David Barbosa (BA), Jaime Barrera (BA), Julián Beltrán (BA), Camilo Brito (BA), David Caballero (BA), Laura Dorado (BA), María Franco (eH), Raúl García (eH), David Gómez (BA), Airam González (eH), Iván Guerrero (eH), Andrés Gutiérrez (BA), Sergio Jiménez (BA), Víctor Lacima (eH), Juan Fernando Martínez (BA), Margarita Martínez (eH), Ana María Noriega (BA), Juan Camilo Ortegón (BA), Mª Ángeles Peñalver (eH), Abraham Piñate (eH), Juan Reyes (BA), María Ríus (eH), Alberto Roa (BA), Luis Ángel Rivera (BA), Beatriz Salinas (eH), Paula Sopó (BA), Martha Sosa Dias (eH), Catalina Venegas (BA)
Structure.- CONSORCIO PyP (A. Palomino, C. Palomino), CNI (N. Parra), BAC ECG (L. Moya, X. Aguiló, C. Gastelbondo). Sustaninability.- (J. Ramírez, S. Varón), ARUP (R. Rodríguez). Energy.- SES (T. Uribe). FAÇADE.- ARUP (I. Fernández Solla). Identity.- OAC (N. Chaves y J. Gallego). Lighting.- ALS (A. Aman, M. Juarrero), Acoustics.- ADT (Daniel Duplat), AKUSTIKS (Jaume Soler, Chris Blair, Sam Brandt). Audovisuals.- AKUSTIKS (J. Soler, S. Brandt). Landscape/Paisajismo.- D. Wiesner. FORESTRY: E. Bermúdez.

Juan Herreros, Jens Richter. Estudio Herreros

estudioHerreros. In 2014, its Founding Partner Juan Herreros transformed Herreros Arquitectos into Estudio Herreros with the intention of opening up its practice to a partnership based configuration with which an international agenda can be approached while building on a solid national reputation. The first architect to become a partner is Jens Richter, who was Director of the firm after 10 years of collaboration with Juan Herreros.

Estudio Herreros is a Madrid-based architecture practice operating worldwide, employing about 20 architects from different nationalities, that has important achievements in the art world such as the Edward Munch Museum in Oslo, currently under construction, the re-qualification of the exhibition areas of the Reina Sofía Museum, the contemporary art space SOLO in Madrid and a number of designs for art fairs, galleries, exhibitions, or artist studios such as Luis Gordillo's.

The list of significant projects of estudioHerreros includes the intermodal station of Santiago, the Ágora-Bogotá event center in Colombia and the Tacubaya Strategic Plan in Mexico, along with achievements in Spain, Korea, Panama, Uruguay, France, Morocco, etc.

Daniel Bermúdez. Bermúdez Arquitectos

The firm Bermúdez Arquitecto SAS, active since 1983 through the experience of its founding partner Daniel Bermúdez, is in constant interaction with specialists and advisors in different complementary disciplines. 

The firm has an extensive architectural production, reviewed in the monographic book published by Lunwerg. Within a notable list projects such as: El Tintal Library (2000), Cultural Center Public Library Julio Mario Santo Domingo (2006) or the postgraduate building, Library and Gallery Jorge Tadeo Lozano University (2001). He has also received awards and recognitions at the Colombian Biennial of 1992, 2004, 2008 and 2014; Prize Cemex 2004 and Asocreto 1998, 2002 and 2004.



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