Vejlskovgaard - an agricultural building of the future by LUMO Arkitekter

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Lars Soenderskov, Mads Lindstroem. LUMO Architects

LUMO Architects is a young internationally oriented architectural firm with a focus on innovative ideas, sustainable processes and eventful architecture.

LUMO Architects headed by Lars Soenderskov and Mads Lindstroem is grounded in a common desire to pursue in what we believe: Thinking outside the box and make room for the experimental building and the architectural solutions that surprise and stages undiscovered potential. We seeks the architectural edge that appears in the dialogue between the Nordic architectural tradition and global contemporary. Our professional approach to architecture is based on the development of original ideas and concepts based on the task's unique characteristics, place of poetry and the client's wishes.

We gain our inspiration in the intersection between our intuition and experience. Through nuanced work on light, materiality and scale a humanity is created, sustainabillity and aesthetic value of each project is created. We believe that good architecture has a professional obligation to engage in dialogue with contemporary society and play an active role in the world around us. Architecture can and must make a difference and guiding new ways to live and experience on. Therefore, our focus is on sustainable development of our cities and buildings and we believe that ambitious and thoughtful efforts make a difference.

LUMO Architects was founded in the spring 2009 as a competition and sketching based architectural firm.




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