"Sister", con sabor psicodélico, es una mezcla meticulosa de producción moderna y elementos clásicos que suena como un artista que realmente se expresa al máximo.
"Con “Sister” quería describir cómo yo, y los que están a mi alrededor, nos relacionamos con las pantallas. Cómo las redes sociales nos afectan a todos, cómo estamos conectados en todo momento mientras estamos profundamente desconectados de la realidad", comenta. “¿Nos conectan o desconectan las redes sociales? La contradicción entre tener la habilidad, el "poder" de saber todo acerca de alguien con solo unos pocos clics... mientras se siente ser observado por nosotros mismos. Musicalmente, esta canción marca un punto de inflexión en mi escritura con el uso del bajo como el principal instrumento de composición, como es el caso de otras piezas del álbum, que llegará pronto”.
Dirigido y animado por Elenor Kopka
SISTER. Letra de la canción
Control yourself
There's nothing to see here
Harden your shell
The other's always near
Listen to the words your read
it's hot air
City never goes to sleep
It shares
Always captive in the screen
You're losing
I will never reappear
So, well...
My sister's in love
Brother's laughing when he's down
I enter your soul
Don't you feel this thing
just give it away
Control yourself,
Why do you scratch my back ?
You're sitting on my shell,
I can't even go out
My sister's in love
Brother's laughing when he's down
I enter your soul
Lying on the background
My sister's in love
Brother's laughing when he's down
I enter your soul
Don't you feel this thing
Just give it away
Hey sister,
Stay hide in your bed
Resist her
Then, go back to sleep
There's nothing to see here
Harden your shell
The other's always near
Listen to the words your read
it's hot air
City never goes to sleep
It shares
Always captive in the screen
You're losing
I will never reappear
So, well...
My sister's in love
Brother's laughing when he's down
I enter your soul
Don't you feel this thing
just give it away
Control yourself,
Why do you scratch my back ?
You're sitting on my shell,
I can't even go out
My sister's in love
Brother's laughing when he's down
I enter your soul
Lying on the background
My sister's in love
Brother's laughing when he's down
I enter your soul
Don't you feel this thing
Just give it away
Hey sister,
Stay hide in your bed
Resist her
Then, go back to sleep