The different elements of aluminum, glass, and steel dialogue and enter into strong contrast with the stone and the paired walls, both in the use of the material and in their own texture, therefore, it shows a clear contrast between different times.
Project description by Reina & Asociados
The intervention is aimed at adapting a space of modest dimensions as a new ticket sales point for the Real Alcázar. Located in the Patio de Banderas and close to the Puerta del Apeadero, it occupies a part of the eastern nave of the old Palacio del Yeso (12th century).
The building in which it is located has been formed through the progressive appropriation of rooms that once belonged to the Alcázar. Like other constructions of the original enclosure in the monumental complex, it preserves fossilised pre-existences of different periods that are part of more modern buildings. Thanks to the historical recycling of its architecture, the traces of the Islamic palaces continue to have a direct correspondence with contemporary walls and facades today. This enables recognition of their main elements through specific recovery operations such as this one.
The space, continuously altered over time, shows on its walls the traces and scars of numerous repairs and transformations. Now, the new pieces in aluminium, steel and glass coexist with the rich textures and the materiality of the historic walls. Soft indirect lighting contributes to generating a warm and inclusive atmosphere where the protagonist presence of the pre-existences anticipates to visitors the heritage that they are about to explore on their tour around the Alcázar.
The door of the new ticket office opens towards the outside to show its metallic underside - framed by a splendid bougainvillea - as a visible claim for the public who access from the Patio de Banderas.