Concha Prada was born in Zamora, 1963. She studied at Escola d’estudis fotografics in Catalunya. Her first series gives considerable importance to the staging, the film closest to the merely theatrical (use white and black, iconographic references to noir, environment ...). In his photographs premium irony. The costume, mask and night underscore the artificiality of scenes constructed, while highlighting the strong critical component that developed around different aspects related to women: stereotypes of phases femenino.En posterioires leave the black and white to color and focus on the idea of artificiality.
The key stages of their latest work can be recognized in the following works.(before to) stay in New York in 1994 gives a substantial change to his work "En Bocas" (1994), with which it opens a new stage, bet on black and white, by the reduction of media compared to the staging of the previous series, and a progressive concentration on detail or fragment. persistent give visibility to the everyday, keeps his attention to detail. "Basuras" will come later (1995), "Ciudades" (1999), "Ficciones" (1999-2000), "De arreglo de cocido y otros guisos" (2002-2003), "La serie polvo" (2004) and "El rastro del objeto" (2008).
In 1988 he received the first prize, "Muestra de Jóvenes Artistas del Mediterraneo" and in 1994 he received "La Beca Banesto de Artes Plásticas".
Among others, says the exhibition in the U.S. (New York), Elevages Poussiere and Other Optical Labyrinths The Annex and in 2006 was shortlisted for the photo contest "Purification Garcia ", exhibited at the Palace Galveias, Lisbon (Portugal).