The Créateurs Design Awards has named Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, founders of the Japanese architecture practice…
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Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa. Image courtesy of SANAA
The fifteenth Alvar Aalto Medal has been awarded to Belgian architect…
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House V-D, Gent, by Marie-José Van Hee. Photograph by Crispijn Van Sas
The awards organized by the Higher Council of Colleges of Architects of Spain (CSCAE) have just been awarded, in their second edition. At the gala, the…
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The jury announced the decision of the first edition of the European Collective Housing Award last Friday, after meeting at the Euskadi Architecture Institute, in San Sebastián.

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La Borda and the conversion of an old wine warehouse into housing win the first edition of the European Collective Housing Award
Coinciding with UNESCO's International Day of Light, 16th May, The Daylight Award awards its 2024 awards to the Spanish architect and professor…
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Sports center. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria Sports Center by Alberto Campo Baeza. Photograph by Javier Callejas
Barcelona architecture studio, Länk Arquitectes, has won first prize in the Europan 16 edition, for the Esparraguera location, Spain. Colònia Sedó is an industrial…
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Rendering. Deconfining the colony by Länk Arquitectes
Architecture studio Barozzi Veiga was awarded in the competition for the renovation and expansion of the…
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Gothenburg Art Museum by Barozzi Veiga. Rendering by Filippo Bolognese Images
To close this series of extraordinary texts that have accompanied our annual Building of the Year Proclamation in this 2023 edition, meaning a work of…
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The Dark Line by Michèle & Miquel and dA VISION DESIGN. Photograph by LU Yu-Jui, Michèle & Miquel