FAD Architecture and Interior Design Awards, 66th edition, announced this afternoon the winning projects of the 66th edition, at an awards gala. The award-winning works have been chosen from among the 34 finalist projects - in the different categories - from a total of 415 works submitted to the competition.

The jury has awarded the FAD Architecture Prize 2024, ex aequo, to the projects House 1736 (Barcelona) by the architects David Lorente Ibañez, Josep Ricart Ulldemolins, Xavier Ros Majó and Roger Tudó Galí (Harquitectes) and DH Palencia (Palencia), by Fernando Rodríguez Ramírez and Pablo Oriol Salgado (FRPO Rodriguez & Oriol).
The jury considers that House 1736 challenges the conventions of traditional single-family domestic architecture and establishes a unique relationship with light and air, revealing itself to be the heir of traditional Mediterranean models characteristic of the city of Barcelona, ​​such as the Gothic patios and their values. bioclimatic and well-being.

They have also highlighted its elegant structural solution using four columns to support a hole that floods the center of the space with light and causes a feeling of weightlessness.

DH Ecoenergía Plant #1 by FRPO Rodriguez and Oriol Arquitectos. Photography by Luis Asín.

In the case of DH Palencia, the jury considers the architectural solution adjusted to the requirements of the energy project, and especially the fact of having achieved an industrial architecture compatible with future urban centers. He also highlighted the constant pedagogical exercise that the company develops, organizing visits to the center for schoolchildren and the general public.

Cloud House by Studio Animal. Photography by José Hevia.

Cloud House (Madrid), a project by Javier Jiménez Iniesta (Studio Animal), and Gimaguas Barcelona (Barcelona), by the architects Albert Guerra Romera, Adrián Jurado Batanás and Julia Tarnawski Español (TEST) and Guillermo Santomà Bagaria, have received «ex aequo» the award in the Interior Design category.

The jury considers that the Cloud House project is an excellent example of the transformation of a small apartment with a traditional layout into a new spacious, bright home that makes the most of space. It stands out how the rooms are grouped with their respective bathrooms to free up a diaphanous and open space.

Gimaguas Barcelona by TEST + Guillermo Santomà. Photography by Gregori Civera.

In the case of Gimaguas Barcelona, ​​the jury values ​​the ability to transform a space based on a radical and precisely executed concept. The successful choice of the material that surrounds the complex is highlighted, a concrete fabric used in the construction of tunnels and other large infrastructures with a space with a lot of character and personality, as a result.

Plaza and Tourist Office by Branco del Rio. Photography by do mal or less.

In the City and Landscape category, the “ex aequo” award was won by the projects Praça e posto Turismo Piadao (Portugal), by architects João Branco and Paula Del Rio (Branco Del Rio Arquitectos), and Alfacs (Tarragona), by Pau Bajet Mena and Maria Giramé Aumatell (Bajet Giramé); Manuel Julià Verdaguer (JAAS).

The jury highlights from the Portuguese project how the formal complexity of the space is resolved with the introduction of a circular space of shale and slate without slopes or sidewalks, which acts as a “meeting point” for the inhabitants of the village. He considers it an example of how to reverse the process of forgetting in this small inland town.

Alfacs by Bajet Giramé + JAAS. Photography by Joan Guillamat.

As for Alfacs, it values ​​the transformation of a large outdoor space that manages to revalue this natural space facing the sea. A central axis organizes the facilities of this type of small city, creating a structure that facilitates accessibility and social interaction. Exquisite care stands out in the use of vegetation and construction materials that connect the complex with the surrounding landscape.

Lost Forest TAC! 2023, Julia Ruiz-Cabello Subiela and Santiago Del Águila. Photography by Adrià Goula.

Finally, the projects Lost Forest (Donostia), by Julia Ruiz-Cabello Subiela and Santiago del Aguila, and The Construction of a Country (Madrid), by Miquel Mariné Núñez and Pol Esteve Castelló, have received "ex aequo" the Interventions award Ephemerals.

The jury appreciated that Lost Forest is one of the pavilions proposed for the second edition of TAC! Urban Architecture Festival, coinciding with the MUGAK/International Architecture Biennial, and conceptualized around the motto of its IV edition "rebuild, reinhabit, rethink."

The construction of a country by Miquel Mariné Núñez and Pol Esteve Castelló (GOIG). Photograph by Maru Serrano.

In the case of The Construction of a Country, the resolution of the design has been valued from a single material as standard and common as plasterboard plates, which is sublimated until it becomes a noble element. The traditional roles of components, anchoring systems and system finishes are subverted. Plasterboard plates, normally used as a finish, function as load-bearing elements, while metal profiles, normally load-bearing, become joining elements.

This year, the architect, urban planner and landscape designer Beth Galí has ​​chaired the jury, where she has been accompanied by other recognized professionals in the sector such as José Alberto Alonso Campanero, Mariona Benedito, Lucía Ferrater, Cristina Guedes and Gerard Sanmartí as members.

LUMEN Saclay University by Beaudouin Architects and MGM Architects. Photography by Fernando Guerra.

The Lumen Learning Center, FAD International award
In this 11th edition, the FAD International Awards have received 21 proposals, of which 6 works located in Mexico, Slovenia, France or Romania have been chosen.

The award was for the Lumen Learning Center project (Parós), by architects Laurent Beaudouin and Emmanuelle Beaudouin, with José Morales, and Sara de Giles.

The jury highlights the Lumen Learning Center's difficulty in constructing a building of this size and complexity and how its authors have achieved it with this degree of solvency and quality, in a demanding context. The project takes as its starting point the architectural model of the umbracle to build an architecture in which the limits are blurred, generating permeabilities with the vegetation and the public space that crosses it.

The professional jury of the International FAD Awards has been made up of the architect Jordi Badia as president and the members Andrea Arriola and Marta Peris.

Restoration of the Hermitage of San Juan de Ruesta (2nd Phase) by Sebastián Arquitectos. Photography by Iñaki Bergera.

Re-FAD Award
This year the Re-FAD Award was also awarded, created in 2023, to highlight the contribution within the framework of rehabilitation, reuse and regeneration in all its concepts. This award rewards good practices, saving resources and the Commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Of all the works, the jury has chosen 6 as applicant works.

This year's Re-FAD Award was for the Restoration project of hermitages on the Camino de Santiago, by architect Sergio Sebastián (Sebastián Arquitectos SLP). The jury values ​​the bold rehabilitation of a Romanesque ruin in a rural environment of extraordinary scenic beauty. The rigorous historical and constructive analysis by the technical team justifies the reintegration of the lost volumes through a brilliant contemporary reinterpretation of the vernacular tradition. The conservation of the interior space stands out, which integrates delicate locksmith elements designed for access control and maintenance.

FAD Thought and Criticism Award
The joint authorship of the first of the award-winning books is made up of Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa, Manuel Ocaña del Valle and other authors. The jury considers that the catalogue of the Spanish pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale (Foodscapes) is astonishing, ambitious and risky. The risk and freshness of a format that is unusual in the peninsular context and that arises from the support and commitment of the administration to architectural dissemination is especially valued.

The Fulla House. Everything was to be done and everything was possible in the work of the authors Ana M. Briongos, Lluís Clotet, Ramon Faura, Josep M. Rovira and Òscar Tusquets. The jury believes that the book reviews the paradigmatic building of Studio PER, whose choral vision does not shy away from criticism and includes a temporal perspective. The book contrasts expectations with realities, and its reading is relevant at the current moment since it shares a calm reflection that can serve as a counterpoint to the visions, sometimes naive, that accompany the current discourse around cooperative housing.

Also in this category, the jury has awarded a special mention to the book Fernando Távora: Novo/Antigo, by the authors Teresa Cunha Ferreira, David Ordoñez-Castañon (FAUP), and Eleonora Fantini (Università di Bologna). The jury considers that the book is an excellent approach to the work of one of the masters of Portuguese architecture that offers new perspectives to understand his approach to architecture through a compilation of intervention projects in the architectural heritage, in many cases little published.

For the selection of the award-winning texts, among the important criteria that the jury has taken into account when making the selection is memorability, that is, the ability of the works to last over time. Thus, the jury has awarded the “ex aequo” prize to the books Foodscapes and La Casa Fullà.

The FAD Awards for Thought and Criticism, celebrate their 19th edition and bring together the best texts dedicated to architecture published throughout 2023. This year, the jury is made up of the architect and doctor in architecture Javier Fernández Contreras as president, and the members Marta Poch and Roger Subirà.

NEW Extraordinary Award for Professional Career
This year, for the first time, an Extraordinary Award for a professional career has been awarded, which has gone to the Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza.

Considered one of the most important Portuguese architects of the 20th century, he has been awarded the prestigious Pritzker Prize. He has also been awarded the IBERFAD Architecture Prize (1998) with the Santa María Church in Marco de Canaveses (Porto); the Mies van der Rohe Contemporary Architecture Prize; the National Architecture Award 2019; Golden Lion. 13th Biennale di Venezia; the Praemium Imperiale award; the Wolf Foundation Award for the Arts; and the Gold Medal of the Royal Institute for British Architects. Siza was also a finalist in the 2016 FAD Awards with the Llinars del Vallès Theater-Auditorium (2016).

He is the author of notable buildings in our country such as the Meteorological Center in the Olympic Village of Barcelona or the Rectorate of the UA of Alicante. The renowned architect projects his vision of architecture through buildings that dialogue with the landscape.

Image of the “Hug” project, winner of the 2024 Habitàcola Award.

Habitácola Award 2024
ARQUIN-FAD also promotes the Habitácola Awards, aimed at students of architecture and interior design to promote reflection on new theoretical frameworks in the fields of design and architecture, as well as debate, together with schools, solutions and points of reference innovative views concerning the different topics of social interest proposed in each call.

In recent years the Habitácola Awards have dealt with various topics, from reflections on the use of reading spaces, street vendors, free spaces on beaches or public street spaces in towns and cities. This 36th edition, under the title "Aixopluc", the awards propose a reflection on the design of micro waiting spaces for public transport both in cities and in rural environments.

The jury, formed by the architect Daria de Seta as president and Roger Badia Rafart, Anna Torndelacreu Roig and Laura Blanch as members, has awarded the prize to the Hug project, by the students Júlia Berenguer Sellés, Laura Nicolás Coso and Paloma Pérez Soler, from the Elisava school, due to the high intrinsic ethical value in the positioning. The solution manages to opt for an economy of resources without giving up clarity and expressive forcefulness, nor giving up the possibility of adaptation to the different contexts and needs that the bases raise.

On the other hand, the Educational Center Award goes to the IED Barcelona Centre, for the diversity of approaches, both conceptual and formal, which denotes a great ability to lead students on a learning path that has allowed them to express freely their concerns as creators.

With the impetus of these awards, the ARQUIN-FAD seeks to help students enter and become known in the professional world since they are the professionals of the future who will define the urban public space of our cities.

FAD Opinion Awards 2024
The finalists of the FAD Prize for Architecture and Interior Design and the members of the ARQUIN-FAD award with their votes for the Opinion Prize in their different categories. This 2024 the winners have been:

- Architecture: House 1736, by David Lorente Ibañez, Josep Ricart Ulldemolins, Xavier Ros Majó and Roger Tudó Galí (Harquitectes).

- Interior design: Agricultural cooperative renovation for multipurpose space in Flix, by Josep Camps Povill, Olga Felip Ordis (Camps Povill Arquitectura).

- City and Landscape: Through the branches, by Ana Lopez Sanchez-Vegazo, Carmen Lopez Sanchez-Vegazo, Antonio López Díaz.

- Ephemeral Interventions: Lost Forest, by Julia Ruiz-Cabello Subiela, Santiago del Aguila.

- FAD International Award: Bohinj Nursery School, by Ana Jerman, Janja Šušnjar (ARREA Arhitektura), Sofía Romeo Gurrea-Nozaleda, Miguel Sotos Fernández-Zúñiga (KAL A).

Harquitectes is a team of architects which include David Llorente (ETSAV-UPC, 2000), Xavier Ros (ETSAV-UPC, 1998), Josep Ricart (ETSAV-UPC, 1999) and Roger Tudó (ETSAV-UPC, 1999). They combine professional practice and university teaching in national schools. Their work has been exhibited in many expositions and lectures both in Spain and abroad.


2018.- Premio ‘Detail Prize 2018’
2018.- Premio ‘XII Premios NAN’
2018.- Premiado en la ‘XIV BEAU’ Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2018.- ‘Premio Ciudad de Barcelona 2017’
2018.- Premio ex aequo de ‘Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIV’
2017.- Premio ‘Mapei a la edificación sostenible’
2017.- Premio ‘BB Construmat 2017’
2017.- Premio AD 2017 Architects of the year
2016.- Premio ‘Mostra Arquitectura Vallès’
2016.- Premio ‘Wienerberger Brick Award 2016’.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘X BIAU’ Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘XIII BEAU’ Biennal Espanyola d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme.
2016.- Premio de Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIII Edició.
2016.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2016.
2015.- 1r ‘Premio Ugo Rivolta’ 2015.
2015.- Premio FAD de la opinión 2015.
2015.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2015.
2014.- Premio ‘Archmarathon’ 2014.
2014.- Premio de Arquitectura de Cerámica ‘Fritz Höger Preis’ categoría de vivienda Winner Gold
2013.- 1er ‘Premio A+’ al Mejor Proyecto de Arquitectura Sostenible.
2013.- ‘Premio A+ Extraordinario al Estudio Joven más Prometedor’
2012.-  Sacyr Innovación Award for ICTA-ICP Building 1102.
2012.- AJAC 2012 Award for university dwellings in Sant Cugat dle Vallès.
2012.- Hise 2012 excelencia a la innovación Award, for 712 house.
2012.- FAD 2012 Award, 712 house.
2011.- ENOR Arquitectura Joven Award for 704 Gimnasium.

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FRPO (2008) is an architecture office based in Madrid directed by Fernando Rodriguez and Pablo Oriol, internationally recognized with the Architectural Record Design Vanguard (New York, 2012), Europe 40 under 40 (2009) and Bauwelt Preis (Berlin, 2007) awards, among others. Their work has also received prestigious awards, such as the selection for the Architectural Review Emerging Architecture Awards (2019), the FAD Awards (2019), the Spanish Pavilion at the Venice Biennale (2016, Golden Lion), the nomination for the Mies van der Rohe Awards (2015), the IX and XII Spanish Biennials of Architecture and Urbanism (2007 and 2013), or the V and IX Ibero-American Biennials of Architecture and Urbanism (2006 and 2014).

FRPO’s work has been widely published, and its proposals have been disseminated through articles, lectures, and frequent exhibitions, both nationally and internationally.

Trained as architects at the ETSAM in Madrid, at the IIT in Chicago and the TU Berlin, Pablo Oriol and Fernando Rodriguez are professors in the Department of Architectural Design at the ETSAM UPM, as well as regular guests at various national and foreign universities.

Fernando Rodríguez holds a PhD in Architecture since 2015. He studied architecture at UPM ETSAM in Madrid and at the Technische Universität Berlin, between 1995 and 2003. He has collaborated in MVRDV and has been Invited Critic with Kees Christiaanse at the TU Berlin. He worked as a project architect for Abalos & Herreros in 2004. He is a lecturer at the Architectural Design Department of UPM ETSAM and at the IE University.

Pablo Oriol studied architecture at UPM ETSAM and the IIT College of Architecture in Chicago, between 1995 and 2005. He was Cultural Activities Curator for the General Department of Architecture of the Ministry of Public Works for the ETSAM and the Cervantes Institute between 1999 and 2002. He was part of the redaction team of the magazine Arquitectura Viva in 2006. He is PhD candidate and lecturer at the Architectural Design Department of UPM ETSAM and at the IE University.

In 2005 Fernando Rodriguez and Pablo Oriol were founding partners of Nolaster Oficina de Arquitectura, where they developed their professional activity until 2007. In 2008 they established FRPO as a natural evolution of their previous professional experiences.
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Studio Animal is a design studio based in Barcelona and Madrid specializing in interior design projects and ephemeral architecture. It is directed by Javier Jiménez Iniesta, who received his architecture degree from the School of Architecture of Alicante, graduating with Honors in 2007. He combines his professional activity with teaching and academic research. Currently he is professor at the Master´s program of Interior Design at the European Institute of Design and the School of Design Elisava.

Studio Animal deals with the development of proposals related to ultra-contemporary thinking and its relationship to the environment in which we live in. The redefinition of spaces and atmospheres inhabited by the contemporary subject, is the backbone of their work; in pursuit of a super-optimistic future for the potential inhabitants of their architectural designs. Studio Animal moves from the small scale of industrial design to the planning and development of a brand´s image and the integral design of spatial proposals; progressively specializing in the design of all types of interior spaces and offering custom designed projects to each client, always under an architectural approach.

The work of Studio Animal has been cataloged in the last two editions of biannual Arquia Próxima Awards. They have also been awarded several national and international awards, such as the Pasajes-Iguzzini Prize, the FAD Awards of Architecture and Interiorism (finalist and shortlisted), the ADG Laus Awards (bronze in Spatial Design) and the International Media Award in China (Winner). Their work has appeared in various specialized publications such as OnDiseño, Detail, Proyecto Contract, Diseño Interior or Pasaje de Arquitectura y Crítica.
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TEST is an architecture studio founded by architect Albert Guerra, Adrián Jurado, Julia Tarnawski based in Barcelona.
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Guillermo Santomá is an architect/designer living and working in Barcelona. Born in 1984, after get a MA in design from Elisava Barcelona, Santomà attracted attention to his work after his total transformation of Casa Horta – an architectonic, artistic intervention in a traditional horta-house from the beginning of the 20th century. Santomà places himself somewhere in-between architecture and design and creates complete environments for his work to act in.

Since construction, Santomà works in different formats that move between design, architecture, sculpture and scenography. It uses simple mechanisms to alter familiar objects in a constant process of deformation creating complete environments. His work denotes an interest in the systematic transformation of the ways of objectifying, organizing, analyzing and, therefore, of transmitting. He could be described as being interested in how a space is affected by the production of elements vaguely similar to furniture as well as by chromatic interventions.

It seems that the force that motivates his interest in the architecture is driven by the question: how does the social space of a reactionary mind look? The question is a sensitive one because we tend to ascribe the practice of art to liberal values, even though there are plenty of historical examples of artists who by no means share such principles. Yet Santomà adds another twist: the artist is not only interested in how politics shapes character and how character shapes taste, but also how, then, taste shapes the body. Do ultra-conservatives sit in chairs similar to the liberals?
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Branco Del-Rio is an architecture studio based in Coimbra founded by Paula del Rio and João Branco.

Paula del Rio (Soria, 1985). Studied architecture at the Technical School of Architecture of Madrid between 2003 and 2010, where she studied the Master en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados in 2011, when she also started her teaching career as an assistant professor in the chair of Juan Carlos Sancho teaching design of fourth and fifth course. She is currently developing her PhD thesis entitled "La identidad como concepto clave en la ciudad de finales del Siglo XX". Her professional career has developed as a collaborator in the offices of Francisco Mangado in Pamplona and ​​Sancho-Madridejos in Madrid. She ir currently invited Assistant in Design I Studio (1st year) at Darq UC, Coimbra.

João Branco (Coimbra, 1983). Studied architecture at the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra and ETSA in Barcelona between 2001 and 2008. He studied the Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados in the departamento de proyectos at the UMP ETSAM in Madrid in 2011 where he teached as a professor assistant in the chair of Juan Carlos Sancho. In 2014 he finished the Energy for Sustainability (EfS) postgraduate studies, an initiative of the University of Coimbra in partnership with MIT Portugal Program. Between 2008 and 2010 he worked in the offices of Jorge Teixeira Dias, BAAS, Jordi Badia and João Mendes Ribeiro. He began working independently in 2011.

He currently develops a PhD Thesis in Darq UC, Coimbra, he is a junior reseracher in CES (Centro de Estudos Sociais). In 2018-2019 course he was a Guest Assistant in Design Studio II A (5th year) with Paulo Providência.
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Bajet Giramé is an architecture studio founded in Barcelona in 2017 by Maria Giramé and Pau Bajet after collaborating on David Chipperfield Architects in London. The studio is a collaborative platform that develops architectural projects, urban prototypes, publications and research, with the aim of exploring and expanding the multiplicity of material, social and ecological relationships of emerging spatial practice together with a consolidated group of partners, collaborators and clients.

Currently, they are co-curators of the future International Congress of Architecture 2026 (UIA 2026 Barcelona) and directors of Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme no. 274 (Spring 2024). Today, the studio is developing two collective social housing projects (83 social homes for seniors with senior cohousing of 15 units and public facilities for the Barcelona City Council, and 72 social homes for the Prat de Llobregat City Council); the transformation of a rural campsite in the Ebro Delta; urban planning for the municipality of Alcanar, as well as various reform and rehabilitation projects for domestic and productive spaces.

Bajet Giramé's work has been awarded the XIII AJAC Prize (Associació de Joves Arquitectes de Catalunya, COAC, 2023), the XII AJAC Prize (COAC 2021), the 18 (Germany, 2017), finalist in the FAD Architecture Awards (Arquifad 2024), the FAD International Awards (Arquifad 2023), the Arquia Proxima 2024 and Arquia Proxima 2022 awards, and selected for the Enor Grand Prize 2017 (Galicia, 2017 ). She has also been awarded internationally in competitions for emerging architects such as Eme3, Europan11 and Europan12; as well as published in various specialized magazines and exhibited in Seoul, Vienna, Pavia, Belfast, Munich, Nuremberg, Heidelberg, Chania, London, Madrid and Barcelona.

Bajet Giramé combines professional practice with university teaching and research, as well as curating exhibitions and publications. Maria is a professor of Architectural Projects at the La Salle Technical School of Architecture (ETSALS). Pau, doctor from the School of Architecture of the London Metropolitan University (London Met) (2023), is a professor of Architectural Projects at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB-UPC), professor of the Master's Degree in Integrated Architecture Project (MIAD, ETSALS) and has previously taught at different universities in the United Kingdom, such as Birmingham City University (BCU) and the School of Architecture at London Metropolitan University (London Met).
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Julia Ruiz-Cabello Subiela is an architect with dual nationality, Spanish and American, born in Washington, D.C. on April 22, 1992. She completed the bachelor's and master's degrees in architecture with honors at the CEU San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain in 2018.

She currently works as a self-employed architect, but in the past she has worked in different studios. From 2020 to 2023 she worked for the Madrid architecture studio Plantea Estudio, between 2019 and 2020, she worked as an architect for Naso++ studio in Mexico. She was Gallery Assistant in the Proyecto H and Proyecto T projects in Mexico between 2019 and 2020. She was also an internal architect at the Cristina Gil de Biedma and Bárbara Saavedra landscape design studio in 2015 for 4 years. During the summer of 2016 she was an internal architect for Torafu Architects, and before this she was an architect at External Reference Architects in Barcelona, Spain.
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Santiago Del Águila is an architect who completed his bachelor's and master's degrees in architecture with honors at the CEU San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain in 2018. He currently resides in Madrid and works as a designer for Nagami, a manufacturing start-up. 3D printing, where robotics are used to design and automate the production of large-scale architectural and engineering components.

His interests focus on industrial design, technology and their synergies with architecture. That is why he completed a postgraduate course at UCL focused on platforms and automation aimed at hosting, design, coding and prototyping.

He currently works for Nagami Design as a computational and mechanical designer developing tool paths and components related to manufacturing processes in 3D printing and robotics. He also works as an independent architect at Shelf_Fill, Collaborating at BouzasDelAguila and part-time with other architects such as Pedro Pitarch.
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Beaudouin Architects is an architectural practice based in Nancy, France and Paris founded in 1980 by Laurent Beaudouin. The Atelier has worked on a wide variety of projects, including libraries, museums, various renovations, university buildings, and housing.

Laurent Beaudouin graduated from the Nancy School of Architecture in 1979. He spent 1983 at the Cooper Union School in New York, where he followed the work of John Hejduk in the context of the Villa Médicis "Hors les murs". In 1981, he built a corner building in Nancy which reveals the influence of Alvaro Siza, with whom he shares the same humanism and a certain architectural ethic, and with whom he worked from 1992 onwards on the urban plan for the center of Montreuil, which he has been working on since 2001.

Alongside his work as an architect, Laurent Beaudouin teaches at the Paris Val de Seine School of Architecture. He was also an assistant to Christian de Portzamparc at the École d'Architecture de Paris-Nanterre (1984-85) and then a lecturer at the same school (1985-1986) before joining the École d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville (1986-1999), where he participated in the UNO group alongside Henri Ciriani, whose theoretical contribution would be essential to his work, and the École d'Architecture de Nancy between 1999 and 2014.

The projects carried out from 1987 onwards with his wife Emmanuelle focus to a large extent on interventions in old places, developing the idea of a presence of modernity in the historic city. In parallel to their urban and architectural projects, Emmanuelle and Laurent Beaudouin developed a design activity that gave their buildings a specific coherence.
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MGM Arquitectos, Morales Giles Mariscal Arquitectos, is an architecture studio founded by José Morales and Juan González Mariscal in 1987. In 1998 Sara de Giles Dubois joined the studio as a new partner. It was in 2004 when the firm acquired the name Morales de Giles Arquitectos SL.

The firm's work has been carried out mainly on the basis of important awards in conceptual competitions. The projects have been developed looking for quality solutions at each stage, a strong coherence between all aspects of the project and a particular attention to details obtained through absolute control of materials and technological solutions.

Their works have been exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2000, 2002 and 2006; at the ON-SITE: New Architecture in Spain exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA); and in the biennial of Spanish architecture in 1997, 1999, 2001, 2007 and 2009.

As for prizes, they have been awarded numerous prizes, among which are: The International Spanish Architecture Prize 2017, The Spanish Architecture Prize 2013, finalist in the Mies van der Rohe Prize in 2001 and 2009, first prize in the AIT Awards 2012 and 2014, Awarded in 2016 in the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism as well as in the X Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism.

José Morales is a Professor in the Department of Architectural Projects at the University of Seville since 2004. He founded the architecture studio MGM Morales, Giles, Mariscal in 1987.

He has been a visiting professor at various universities, including: Technnische Universitat de Berlín (Germany), Universidad Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain), Escola da Cidade. Sao Paulo. (Brazil), School of Architecture of Nancy (France), University of Montevideo, (Uruguay), University of Navarra ETSA of Pamplona (Spain); Ecole d ’architecture de Paris Val de Seine (France), University of Applied Sciences Hochschule de Bochum (Germany).

He has been curator of the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism together with Sara de Giles.

Sara de Giles Dubois is a PhD architect and Professor of Architectural Projects at the ETSA in Seville since 1998. Since then she has shared an architecture studio with José Morales, as a main partner, at MGM Arquitectos.

She has been a visiting professor and lecturer at various universities, including: International University of Catalonia, Barcelona, ​​ENSA Paris Val de Seine (France). Escola da Cidade. Sao Paulo. (Brazil), Ryerson University, Toronto (Canada), University of Montevideo, (Uruguay), University of Applied Sciences Hochschule de Bochum (Germany), USAT de Chiclayo (Peru), School of Architecture of Cuenca (Ecuador).

She has been curator of the XIV Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism together with José Morales.
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Sergio Sebastián´s Architecture Office was founded by Sergio Sebastián Franco in 2006 and is based in Saragossa.

Sergio Sebastián Franco. Calatayud (1976). Architect ETSA Madrid.  2002. PhD Architect  ETSA Madrid. 2016. Architectural Design at the University of Zaragoza since 2009. Among his main works are the City of Justice in Zaragoza, or the Palace of Justice in Huesca, or the Master Plan for the rehabilitation of the Palace of the Audience of Zaragoza. Among the fields of art and architecture, they have been developing pieces of artistic lighting since 2004.

Currently, he is developing various studies for the recovery of the Camino De Santiago in Aragon and the enhancement of various dispersed and abandoned heritage in various nuclei to its He passed. He is also a contributing critic at Zenda Libros.

Selected in the Spanish Pavilion of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2020. Gold Medal for the DOMUS Restauro e Conservazione Award (2014). Architecture Award with EÑE (2018 and 2016). Ricardo Magdalena Awards (2020, 2018, and 2013). Construlita Mexico Award (2019). Paysage Triennale di Milano Award (2019). Innomatnet Awards Award. New materials in Building Industrie (2014). Excellence Award in Historic Architectural Renovations in Build Magazine’s Architecture Awards (2015). Rethinking The Future International Awards Award (2018 and 2015). Blue Stone Awards Archi-World Award (2013). Special mention Europa Nostra Awards (2014). Selected in various editions of the European Landscape Biennial, the Spanish Architecture Biennial, the Urban CCCB Awards, or the CSCAE Architecture in Positive Awards. Finalist in the Arquia / Próxima awards, Piranesi Accademia Adrianea di Roma, ASCER, García Mercadal COAA, Prémio Jornal-Larus architecturas urban equipment Iberian, and LUMEC CLU Foundation Philips, SAIE Selection Contest´12 Archi-Europe.
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