A house for the senses. Viva la Vega House by Serrano + Baquero arquitectos

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Serrano + Baquero Arquitectos. Architects.- Juan Antonio Serrano García and Paloma Baquero Masats.
Design team
Loriano Giannone, Lorenzo Rechioni.
Quantity Surveyor.- Javier Sánchez Fernández.
Structure.- Miguel Ángel Jiménez Dengra.
Engineering.- Cristóbal Ariza.
Vanesa Moreno Torres, Horacio Luzón Huertado.
Structure and enclosures.- Visaljo S.L.
Installations, masonry and coatings.- Luzón Build.
Carpentry.- López Soto S.L .; Metalistería Ballesteros S.L.
Albolote, Granada, Spain.

Juan Antonio Serrano García - Paloma Baquero Masats. Serrano + Baquero Arquitectos

Serrano + Baquero Arquitectos. Juan Antonio Serrano García and Paloma Baquero Masats. Architects from School of Architecture of Granada. Master in Advanced Architectural Projects by the School of Architecture of Madrid. PhD students at the School of Architecture of Granada.

- 02/2021. First Prize in the AIT-Awards 2020, Young Architecture category for the project 'Messy House'.
- 11/2019. First Prize in the A + 2019 awards for the best Commercial Interior Design project with the 'Colono' project.
- 10/2018. First Prize 2A Magazine Europe category 'Interior Architecture' with the project 'Playground'.
- 10/2018. First Prize 2A Magazine Europe category 'Old and new' with the project 'Messy house'.
- 10/2018. First Prize Arquia Proxima VI for the project 'If these walls speak'.
- 04/2016. Awarded and exhibited in the Spanish Pavilion of the Venice Biennale 2016. With the project 'The patio after the fire'.
- 05/2015. 1st Prize in the 16th Ed. Of the International Beyond Building Construmat-Barcelona 2015 Prize. For 'Journey to the interior of a garden'
- 02/2014. 1st Prize of the II Architecture and Interior Design Reform Plan Awards for the project 'Escaparate Horizontal'
- 12/2011. 1st International Prize. EUROPAN 11. Location: Leeuwarden
- 12/2011. 1st International Prize. EUROPAN 11. Location: San Bartolomé
- 04/2010. 1st International Prize. Fassa-Bortolo Contest. Ferrara University
- 09/2009. 1st National Prize. DETEA 2009 Industrial Architecture Contest
- 04/2009. 1st Local Prize. Pladur'09 Iberian Architecture Competition
- 05/2008: 1st National Prize. Pladur'08 Iberian Architecture Contest and Honorable Mention in the installers contest.
- 04/2008. 1st Local Prize. Pladur'08 Iberian Architecture Competition
- 06/2007. 1st Local Prize. Competition of the UGR Alonso Cano.
- 04/2007. 1st Local Prize. Pladur'07 Iberian Architecture Competition



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