Name Paintings by Aggtelek

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Xandro Vallès, Gema Perales AGGTELEK

Aggtelek is the artistic project of Xandro Vallès (Barcelona 1978) and Gema Perales (Barcelona 1982). They live and work between Barcelona and Brussels.

The main interest in their work lays on creative processes highly focused on the investigation of a theoretical development of art production. These fearless, hyper-productive and disengaged processes are regarded as a way to show the continuous thoughts, ideas or daily dialogues that have opened the path for new works interacting in a diversity of disciplines, such as performances, sculptures, videos, texts or installations.

This duo feels deeply committed to ideas of their time. For them, Art is related to life, expressed by a vigorous and forceful vitality within the work. This liveliness is many times provoked by a challenge of the limits of the politically correct often through a humorous critique of human condition.




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