


Juan Herreros. PhD Architect, Chair Professor and Director of the Thesis Program at the Madrid School of Architecture, as well as a Visiting Professor at Columbia University in New York. He has previously taught at EPFL in Lausanne, Architectural Association in London, SOA at Princeton and ITT in Chicago. Throughout the years he has held numerous lectures, courses and international seminars as well as research workshops.

In 1984, he founded, together with Iñaki Abalos, the office Abalos&Herreros, in 1992 the Multimedia International League LMI and in 2006 he founded his current office, Herreros Arquitectos through which he pursues his professional, teaching and pedagogical activity. His work has been widely published and awarded ( COAM Award; the award of Urbanism and Architecture of the City Council of Madrid; he has been selected for the Spanish Architecture Biennale, finalist for Mies Van der Rohe Award, finalist in FAD awards, and winner of the Solutia Design Award).

His work has been displayed in collective exhibitions such as the ones promoted by the MOMA and individual exhibitions (AA London, IIT Chicago...). Two of them stand out, “Grand Tour”, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and ICO in Madrid. Amongst his books the most notable are Tower&Office (with I. Ábalos, MIT Press), Isla Ciudad (Actar), Palacios de la Diversión (Mairea), PTb-Cedric Price (Ministerio de Fomento-COAM), Vivienda SXXI (Casa Encendida-Actar) along several monographic compilations of his work.

His recent work has been published by the architect’s council of Tarragona (AT#18) and Summa magazine of Buenos Aires. HerrerosArquitectos is currently working on projects in Spain, Norway, USA, Panamá, Mexico and Uruguay. Juan Herreros has received the International Fellowship of the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects), the Medal of Fine Arts from the city of San Lorenzo de El Escorial and has been nominated for the 2010 Medal from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.