ARCA, a house by Atelier Marko Brajovic

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Atelier Marko Brajovic

Atelier Marko Brajovic is based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Founded in 2008 by the architect Marko Brajovic, the Atelier is composed by a multidisciplinary team trained to develop a project from the concept to the final construction and set-up. For the development of projects the office researches and instrumentalizes the design process in three main systematic areas: behaviorology phenomenology and biomimicry.

The idea of hybrid is at the centre of its eclectic works. This concept permeates all areas, formats and aesthetics that get shaped as scenography, museography, product design, architecture, and creative direction with projects in Milano, Miami, Dubai, Shanghai, Madrid, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Munich, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. It is a winner at World Architecture Festival 2015 (Display Category) and IF GOLD AWARD 2015 (Shop/Showroom Category), W Award 2014, GOLD IDEA Brasil AWARD 2010, TOP XXI Design Brasil 2011.




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