Lambert Rainville and Nicholas Sangaré wins 2017 Phyllis Lambert Grant

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Lambert Rainville and Nicholas  Sangaré founded the Rainville-Sangaré studio in Montreal in 2015. They graduated in Industrial Design at the University of Montreal. They work with complementary spaces, luxury furniture and designer products.

In addition to his academic background in industrial design, Nicholas Sangaré is a technical architect. He was, until 2015, the director of the study for more than 3 years. He designed more than thirty installations in kitchens, residential interiors and commercial spaces. In addition, he participated in some special collaborations like the design of a camera with Frank & Oak.

Lambert Rainville has a Masters in Product Design at the Royal College of Art. In London he worked in design with designers such as Cutler David Mellor and in companies such as the Fortnum & Mason department store. Since 2015, Lambert has several products with Shift Umbra company.



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