Framed in the Taipei World Design Capital 2016 and as part of the development of public spaces of the city, Basurama collective have held two facilities for the city.
Basurama intervention consists of two parts, one for children and near a kindergarten. With empty water tanks are manufactured swings and play areas. The second part is again a playground but with the intention to propose a new public space in the city, where different uses arise.

Description of the proyect by Basurama

In the process of transformation and urban planning in which is today the city of Taipei, one of the main problems it faces are common infrastructures, such as playgrounds and other public spaces, which are being replaced and redesigned under the same pattern and the same style.

We have identified several citizens' movements against the standardization of these public spaces. Demanded playgrounds with more textures, areas that allow imagine several ways to play, places that do not have a thought-out design for exclusive use proprietary and many others.

(RE) _Create Taipei is a project under the Taipei World Design Capital 2016 that focuses on public space, urban waste and local communities.

The project will take shape through research, analysis, dialogue and communication; as well as activities, events and facilities designed by Basurama and City Yeast along with other cultural agents and citizens.

The result will be two interventions in public spaces in Taipei, whose final design will depend on the context and local partners with whom they work.

The Kid Watertank Ambition Park or Playground is located in the southeastern part of Jhongxiao Rd. And Jinhua Rd, next to a kindergarten.

The intervention consists of 1 giant tank of water from industrial refrigeration systems and 5 tanks of different sizes from air conditioning systems.

The Civic Swing Space lamppost or Open Space is located below the bridge Shimin boulevar at the junction of Civic Boulevard, Section 3 and Andong street. This second intervention aims to go beyond being a playground or a park, was created with the intention to propose a new public space in the city, where different uses, such as swings, rest areas or even a scenario arise.
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City Yeast, TAF (Taiwan Air Force), CRC (Creative Reuse Center)
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Taipei World Design Capital 2016
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PRE-ACTIVE.- 21-31 March, 2016

INTERVENTION.- 10-24 July, 2016

POST-ACTIVE.- 5-15 October, 2016
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Basurama es un colectivo dedicado a la investigación, a la producción  y a la gestión cultural desde 2001 que ha centrado su área de estudio y actuación en los procesos productivos, la generación de desechos que éstos implican y sus posibilidades creativas.

Nacido en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid, ha ido evolucionando y adoptando nuevas formas desde sus orígenes. Pretende estudiar fenómenos inherentes a la producción masiva de basura real y virtual en la sociedad de consumo aportando nuevas visiones que actúen como generadores de pensamiento y actitud. Detecta resquicios dentro de estos procesos de generación y consumo que no sólo plantean interrogantes sobre nuestra forma de explotar los recursos, sino también sobre nuestra forma de pensar, de trabajar, de percibir la realidad.

Basurama se ha propuesto encontrar los residuos allí donde no sería tan obvio hallarlos y estudiar la basura en todos sus formatos. Con el tiempo Basurama se ha convertido en un evento pluridisciplinar en el que se desarrollan simultáneamente actividades dispares pero con un enfoque común. Tienen cabida todo tipo de talleres, ponencias, conciertos, proyecciones, concursos y edición de publicaciones. Se pretende también establecer una plataforma para que entren en contacto y trabajen juntos personajes del entramado social que ocupan lugares muy diferentes y sin embargo no están muy alejados. Basurama ha realizado proyectos en Bruselas, San Sebastián, São Paulo, Linz, Caracas, Palma de Mallorca, Corea, México DF, Santo Domingo, Buenos Aires, Lima y tiene su base en Madrid.

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