
"beSTe arkitektura"

BeSTe Arkitektura, founded by Ibon Salaberria, is a Spanish architecture studio based in  Zarautz-Gipuzkoa. Ibon Salaberria is an architect by the ETSA of San Sebastián (2003) and finalist in the first final project of iguzzini Spain. He completed the Master's Degree in Participation and Community Development (2015) by the University of the Basque Country.

Between 1998 and 2005 he worked at Arteleku (former art center of San Sebastian) as a resident "artist". During this period he coordinated the international workshop "bizi garen espazioen eraldakuntza" and the interdisciplinary laboratory "labitaciones". He was also part of the editorial team of the "Project of expansion and rehabilitation of Arteleku" between 1999 and 2003 with BGM architects.

In 2006 he founded the TOKI arkitekturak studio. TOKI's work has been selected in several exhibitions and catalogs since its inception: In 2007, he was selected in the exhibition "JAE (Young Architects of Spain)" and has traveled to Madrid, Paris, Rome, Brussels, Stockholm, New York, Chicago, Washington, Dallas and other cities. In the same year, TOKI was selected for the "arquia-próxima" catalog where the works of 128 very young Spanish architects are exhibited. In 2007 he was a finalist in the "Awards of the Official College of Architects Vasco Navarro" in the category of housing.

In 2008, in the publication of "44 Young International Architects" in the selection by Grupo Vía, where works by 44 architects from Europe and America are exhibited. In 2009 he was part of the exhibition "Reflections.

The corridor in the collective housing "held in Arquería de Nuevos Ministerios. At the same time, TOKI was selected in the list-map of 40 studies for digital monographic publication 2G Dossier Jóvenes Arquitectos Españoles.   He is Professor of Architectural Projects at the ETSA of San Sebastian since 2007. Coordinator and Commissioner of "City and Other Policies" at the Center for Contemporary Culture of San Sebastian 2013-2018.

In 2015 he founded beSTe Arkitektura Agentzia Bat. In 2016 he obtained the "bronze" award in the American Architecture Prize in the interior design category by TABA. In 2016 he won the Ascer Awards for the interior design of TABA. In 2019 he is selected in the architecture FAD awards by JAjaus.