

TEd'A arquitectes is a small studio located in Mallorca and consists for Irene Pérez and Jaume Mayol.

Irene Pérez (1976). Architect for the ETSA Vallés (2001). Woodcock Oldemburg Workshop (1998), scholarship studies at the Faculty of Roma Tre (1999). Collaborates in the Pérez-Moré arquitectes (1999-2001) and Joan Pascual arquitecte (2001-2004) studies.

Jaume Mayol (1976). Architect by ETSA Vallés (2000). architect Doctor cum laude from the UPC, with the thesis School architecture Guillem Forteza (1917-1943), directed by Josep Quetglas. He collaborates in studies of Batlle i Roig (1999-2000) i RCR arquitectes (2000-2001). Assistant Professor of the Master "Architecture: Critical and project" UPC, 2003. Professor Fellow at the ETSA Vallés, 2003-2004. Reader professor credited as the AQU Catalonia (2011). Professor summer course "thousand pedreres". Professor of Projects and Design Studio in school IE Madrid (2011-2014).
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  • Name
    Irene Pérez - Jaume Mayol. TED´A ARQUITECTES
  • Venue
    Mallorca, Spain.
  • Website