On the occasion of the 19th Venice Architecture Biennale, 16 projects selected by “Internalities: Architectures for Territorial Equilibrium” will be presented in the central hall of the Spanish Pavilion, an example from among 171 proposals that shows the commitment to sustainability and the efforts of Spanish architecture to carry out projects in balance with its territory.

Curated by Roi Salgueiro and Manuel Bouzas, Internalities: Architectures for Territorial Equilibrium will be on view in Venice from 10 May to 23 November 2025 and showcases how an emerging generation of Spanish architects propose, through their work, the possibility of balancing ecologies with economies.

Internalities: Architectures for Territorial Equilibrium has selected the 16 projects that will be presented in the central hall of the Spanish Pavilion at the 19th Venice Biennale. Curated by Roi Salgueiro and Manuel Bouzas, Internalities will showcase the efforts of Spanish architecture to produce works in balance with their territory and committed to the decarbonisation of the construction sector. The exhibition will be open in Venice between 10 May and 23 November 2025.

Internalities: Architectures for Territorial Equilibrium is organised by the General Secretariat for Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda (MIVAU), together with Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).

Rolling Stones.Restauración de la ermita de San Juan de Ruesta en el Camino de Santiago. Sebastián Arquitectos.

San Juan de Ruesta Hermitage Restoration (2nd Phase) by Sebastián Arquitectos. Photograph by Iñaki Bergera.

The 16 projects have been selected from the 171 proposals submitted to the Open Call that ended on 12 December. The jury was composed of the Secretary General of Urban Agenda, Housing and Architecture, Iñaqui Carnicero; three renowned architects, Anna Bach, Eva Gil and María Langarita; and the two commissioners of the pavilion.

In its minutes, the jury highlighted the high quality of the 171 works presented. Therefore, in addition to the 16 projects selected for the Pavilion, another 16 finalist projects have been chosen that will be included in the exhibition catalogue.

Loggia Baseliana. Isla.

Loggia Baseliana by Isla Architects. Photograph by Luis Díaz Díaz.

The 16 selected studios and works are:

01. Barbés UVigo by Abalo Alonso Arquitectos.
02. Las Tejedoras – Centro Productivo Comunitario by Bamba Studio and Natura Futura.
03. Vivienda Nahinuena by Bear.
04. Bloque 6x6 by Bosch.Capdeferro Arquitectura.
05. Plaza y puesto de turismo en Piodão by Branco Del Río Arquitectos.
06. Rehabilitación de cooperativa agrícola para espacio polivalente y cultural en Flix by Camps Felips Arquitecturia.
07. Casa en Arteaga by Emiliano López Mónica Rivera Arquitectos.
08. Viviendas sociales 2104 by Harquitectes.
09. Loggia Baseliana by Isla.
10. Parque de bomberos en Molà by Josep Ferrando, Pedro García, Mar Puig and Manel Casellas.
11. Parque jardines mediterráneos de La Hoya by KAUH Arquitectura y Paisajismo.
12. Ca na Pau by Munarq.
13. Raw Rooms. Casas de Tierra. 43 Viviendas sociales en Ibiza by Peris+Toral Arquitectes.
14. Rolling Stones.Restauración de la ermita de San Juan de Ruesta en el Camino de Santiago by Sebastián Arquitectos
15. The day after house by TAKK.
16. Ca na Catalina i en Joan by TEd´A Arquitectes.

Internalities aims to explore key strategies for the decarbonisation of architecture in Spain. The exhibition presents how an emerging generation of Spanish architects proposes, through their works, how it is possible to balance ecologies with economies. The pavilion will present a series of works that recover palettes of local, regenerative and low-carbon materials. The protagonists will be wood, stone, ceramics, cork, earth, clay or plant fibres, as well as the forests, quarries, soils and plantations from which they come.

The day after house. TAKK.

The Day After House by TAKK. Photograph by José Hevia.

The project is structured around five fundamental axes to reduce emissions from the construction sector: materials, trades, energy, waste and emissions. Each of these themes will be explored in relation to five different regions of the Iberian Peninsula and will be presented in depth in the five rooms that make up the pavilion. Each of these rooms will be coordinated by a team of architect-researchers specialised in these themes and geographical areas. In addition, the exhibition celebrates the excellence of architectural photography in our country through visual essays made specifically for the rooms. Through these reports, visitors will be able to explore the relationship between production territories and architectures of decarbonisation.

Internalities: Architectures for Territorial Equilibrium will be presented at the 19th Venice Architecture Biennale, which will take place from 10 May to 23 November 2025. Following its closing, the exhibition will embark on an international tour with several itinerancies covering various cities.

More information

Elizabeth Abalo Díaz. Architect ETSA University of Navarra 1996. Master in refurbishment Consorcio de Santiago 1999. Superior Course of Urban Planning EGAP 2001. Doctorate courses UDC 2001. Associate Professor, Master in Sanitary and Welfare Architecture. UDC 2011/12. Associate Professor, CESUGA University College.

Gonzalo Alonso Núñez. Architect ETSA University of Navarra 1997. Master in refurbishment Consorcio de Santiago 1999. Doctorate courses UDC 2001. Tutor PFC CESUGA University College Dublin 2008/11. Associate Professor, Master in Health and Welfare Architecture. UDC 2011/12, Associate Professor, CESUGA University College 2017/2019. Associate Professor, University of Virginia 2019.
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Natura Futura Arquitectura, a workshop studio independent of architecture and landscape, is located in Babahoyo, La Provincia de Los Rios, Ecuador.

They are more interested in the future of architecture as the architecture of the future, to rediscover discover, understand and adapt to the processes that generated these everyday actions: common and alternative materials [local matter] turning them into generators and transformers active environments, taking basis, a rereading of our reality, much more local and contextualized, linking the traditional with the contemporary, the natural and the artificial, being with nature.
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BeAr is an architecture office based in Bilbao that explores the possibilities of architecture as a discursive practice. Directed by Ane Arce and Iñigo Berasategui, BEAR resumes its activity in 2021 after operating since 2018 as AZAB. His works have received important recognitions and publications in specialized national and international media. It is worth noting the Peña Ganchegui 2019 Award for the best Young Basque Architects, the Egurtek 2020 Award or various recognitions in Arquia Próxima and BEAU.
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Ramon Bosch and Bet Capdeferro are graduate architects of Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB). Bet Capdeferro followed the Masters in Landscape Architecture from the Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya.

In 2003 they founded the office bosch.capdeferro arquitectures in the town of Girona.

Their professional activity has progressed in parallel to teaching at several universities as Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona - UPC BarcelonaTech, ETH - Zürich, Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Girona and currently at Cornell University - New York, supporting from the fields of theory and research the development of design and construction processes.

They received in 2011 the Emerging Architect Special Mention of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe. They were awarded with the Young Catalan Architects Prize in 2002 and Girona's Architectural Award in 2010, 2012 and 2014. In 2011 they received the Interior Design Ascer Ceramics Awards. Their work has also been recognized at the FAD Awards, ENOR Awards, and selected in two editions of the European Landscape Biennial.

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Branco Del-Rio is an architecture studio based in Coimbra founded by Paula del Rio and João Branco.

Paula del Rio (Soria, 1985). Studied architecture at the Technical School of Architecture of Madrid between 2003 and 2010, where she studied the Master en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados in 2011, when she also started her teaching career as an assistant professor in the chair of Juan Carlos Sancho teaching design of fourth and fifth course. She is currently developing her PhD thesis entitled "La identidad como concepto clave en la ciudad de finales del Siglo XX". Her professional career has developed as a collaborator in the offices of Francisco Mangado in Pamplona and ​​Sancho-Madridejos in Madrid. She ir currently invited Assistant in Design I Studio (1st year) at Darq UC, Coimbra.

João Branco (Coimbra, 1983). Studied architecture at the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra and ETSA in Barcelona between 2001 and 2008. He studied the Máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados in the departamento de proyectos at the UMP ETSAM in Madrid in 2011 where he teached as a professor assistant in the chair of Juan Carlos Sancho. In 2014 he finished the Energy for Sustainability (EfS) postgraduate studies, an initiative of the University of Coimbra in partnership with MIT Portugal Program. Between 2008 and 2010 he worked in the offices of Jorge Teixeira Dias, BAAS, Jordi Badia and João Mendes Ribeiro. He began working independently in 2011.

He currently develops a PhD Thesis in Darq UC, Coimbra, he is a junior reseracher in CES (Centro de Estudos Sociais). In 2018-2019 course he was a Guest Assistant in Design Studio II A (5th year) with Paulo Providência.
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Camps Felip Arquitecturia. Josep Camps and Olga Felip founded Arquitecturia in 2007, an architectural, landscape and design studio based in Barcelona. Their work includes the Cathedral Apse Square, the recovery of the old Ferreries market in a Cultural Center, the Museum of Energy in Ascó and Four Rivers Masterplan of Girona which aims to improve the relationship between the urban grid and the natural systems.

Arquitecturia’s work has been awarded, published and exhibited both nationally and Internationally: Barcelona, Madrid, Venice, London, Tokyo and Buenos Aires among others. Also they have lectured at the Royal Institute of British Architects_RIBA, among other institutions.

Olga Felip. studied architecture at the Superior School of Architecture of Barcelona (05). Beside her professional career she obtained the Diploma of Advanced Studies and in 2019 she lectured her PHD Thesis in Theory and History of Architecture _Cum Laude. Olga has taught at the Architectural Association of London and she has lectured at RIBA and BIArch. She is currently professor at ETSAB Barcelona.

Olga has been recognised Emerging Woman in Architecture by Architectural Journal, MAS Award in the Cultural Cathegory (Women to be followed) and Arts and Letters Award by the FPdGi (Spanish Royal foundation).

In parallel to her leading role at Camps Felip Arquitecturia, her research & teaching tasks, Olga Felip has been member of the Board of Directors of the College of Architects in Girona, being in charge of the Cultural Department. Also, Olga has been member of the Expert Committee of the Catalan Department of Land that advises on the reform of land and urban planning policies.

Josep Camps. (1975) studied architecture at the Superior School of Architecture of Barcelona (00) | Worked for Atelier AO2 of Paris (1998) and Javier Sanjosé Office (2000-2003). He has received scholarship for taking part into different exchange programs and workshops including the Intercampus Scholarship at the Universidade Caixa du Sul and the program for ‘kashbes rehabilitation’ at Marocco by the UNESCO | Camps has been professor at the Superior School of Architecture of Barcelona –UPC where he taught Studio Project V-VI and since 2005 he is profesor at the University of Girona where he is the director of Studio Project I-II together with Josep Fuses and Elisabet Capdeferro.

He has been visiting professor at the Master of Cultural Heritage Managment of the University of Girona and member of the Final. Review Jury at the School of Architecture of Alicante. Besides his teaching work he develops her thesis project. ‘Intertwining Architecture’ for the research area of Theory and Practice of Architectural Design –UPC Barcelona-. Cofounder of curatorial and design group MA!O and co-founder of the architectural studio ARQUITECTURIA.

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Harquitectes is a team of architects which include David Llorente (ETSAV-UPC, 2000), Xavier Ros (ETSAV-UPC, 1998), Josep Ricart (ETSAV-UPC, 1999) and Roger Tudó (ETSAV-UPC, 1999). They combine professional practice and university teaching in national schools. Their work has been exhibited in many expositions and lectures both in Spain and abroad.


2018.- Premio ‘Detail Prize 2018’
2018.- Premio ‘XII Premios NAN’
2018.- Premiado en la ‘XIV BEAU’ Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2018.- ‘Premio Ciudad de Barcelona 2017’
2018.- Premio ex aequo de ‘Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIV’
2017.- Premio ‘Mapei a la edificación sostenible’
2017.- Premio ‘BB Construmat 2017’
2017.- Premio AD 2017 Architects of the year
2016.- Premio ‘Mostra Arquitectura Vallès’
2016.- Premio ‘Wienerberger Brick Award 2016’.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘X BIAU’ Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2016.- Premiado en la ‘XIII BEAU’ Biennal Espanyola d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme.
2016.- Premio de Arquitectura de Ladrillo Hispalyt XIII Edició.
2016.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2016.
2015.- 1r ‘Premio Ugo Rivolta’ 2015.
2015.- Premio FAD de la opinión 2015.
2015.- Premio ‘Catalunya Construcció’ 2015.
2014.- Premio ‘Archmarathon’ 2014.
2014.- Premio de Arquitectura de Cerámica ‘Fritz Höger Preis’ categoría de vivienda Winner Gold
2013.- 1er ‘Premio A+’ al Mejor Proyecto de Arquitectura Sostenible.
2013.- ‘Premio A+ Extraordinario al Estudio Joven más Prometedor’
2012.-  Sacyr Innovación Award for ICTA-ICP Building 1102.
2012.- AJAC 2012 Award for university dwellings in Sant Cugat dle Vallès.
2012.- Hise 2012 excelencia a la innovación Award, for 712 house.
2012.- FAD 2012 Award, 712 house.
2011.- ENOR Arquitectura Joven Award for 704 Gimnasium.

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isla is an architecture and design office founded by Marta Colón de Carvajal and Juan Palencia.

Following their graduation from ETSA Madrid, they worked for several years for offices in Madrid, Paris, and Basel, among them Langarita-Navarro, Luis Úrculo, Burckhardt+Partner, and Herzog & de Meuron. After six years in Basel, in 2017 they moved back to Mallorca and established their own practice on the island. Since 2017 they have been developing projects of all scales, from objects and domestic projects to large public buildings, such as the future Maritime Museum of Mallorca.

Working with a contextual approach—starting from the place and the culture—Isla focuses on revealing the potentialities of what is already there, underlining the craftsmanship and knowledge of those who came before in order to craft a radically contemporary approach to each project. Beyond a predefined style or aesthetic, the office produces appropriate responses to each individual context, in collaboration with all the agents who are involved.
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Josep Ferrando Bramona is an architect based in Barcelona and director of the Josep Ferrando Architecture office. He has combined design, construction and teaching since the beginning of his career as an architect.

Since 1998 he has been a professor of projects in schools such as ETSAB (Department of Architectural Projects, Housing and City Course, City of Barcelona Award 2016 with the research "Arquitectos de Cabecera“), Torcuato di Tella University of Buenos Aires, Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura La Salle (ETSALS), the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the Hochschule für Technik Zürich (HSZT), the Escola de disseny i art Sina and the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) of Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro where he is Director of Master Space Design Methdology. He has also been invited to prestigious international schools, where he has directed workshops and semesters.

In 2014 he participated with the exhibition "In progress Matter & Light" at the 14th Architecture Biennial of the prestigious Architekturforum Redes de Berlin Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago de Chile and the Biennial International Architecture of Buenos Aires. In 2016, with his work "casa entre medianeras", he was part of the "Unfinished" exhibition of the Spanish pavilion of the 15th Venice Architecture Biennial awarded with the Golden Lion of the exhibition. In the cultural field he has participated in numerous juries, among which stand out the FAD 2018 and the XI BIAU Awards, and since 2018 he has headed the Vocalía de Cultura of the Architects' Association of Catalonia, at which time he was awarded the National Culture Prize.

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2260mm is an architecture studio based in Barcelona, ​​founded and lead by Mar Puig de la Bellacasa and Manel Casellas. They have a long experience in carrying out projects for private and public clients, which include everything from housing to facilities, renovations with sustainability criteria and interior design projects. They are specialized in the use of wood in their projects, having made several public facilities and private buildings with wooden structures.

Manel Casellas, architect from the ETSAB-UPC, 1997. He was a collaborator of the Pere Juanola architecture studio between 1994 and 1999, the year in which he founded Manel Casellas Estudi d'Arquitectura, with the occasional collaboration of other architects, surveyors and architecture students. He has specialized in sustainability and in the realization of passive houses (Certified Passive house Designer).

Mar Puig de la Bellacasa, architect by the ETSAB-UPC, 1997. She collaborated with the Carlos Ferrater Lambarri Arquitecte studio between 1997 and 1999, and with Lluís Martín- Olga Duque Arquitectes between 1999 and 2001, the year in which she founded Mar Puig de la Bellacasa Architecture office. Between 2001-2004 he collaborates with Joan Guibernau- Elena Mateu Arquitectes, and between 2006 and 2007 he collaborates in the Supervision of Architectural Projects Department of Education Generalitat de Catalunya.
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Pedro García Hernández, architect from the ETSAB-UPC, based in Barcelona. He is desin professor at different universities (among others at: La Salle URL, from 1998 to now, and at Rovira and Virgili, URV, from 2009 to now).
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KAUH is the architecture studio by Vincent Morales Garoffolo (Albuquerque, NM, USA, 1976) and Juan Antonio Sánchez Muñoz (Cádiz, Spain, 1977). 

They both received their architecture degrees from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura of Sevilla in 2003. 

Juan Antonio Sánchez Muñoz also holds a Masters degree in landscaping, gardening and public space from the University of Granada (2013-2014), and Vincent Morales Garoffolo translates texts specialized in architecture. 

They have balanced their professional practice with academic activities as professors at the Department of Architecture at Penn State University, USA.

After working in The Netherlands at VHP and WEST 8 respectively, in 2004 they established their own practice under the name KAUH. Between 2004 and 2012 they worked from Seville, and as of 2012 they do so from Granada. With a multifaceted profile, they mostly work in the Andalusian context.

Among the different fields architecture covers, their professional activity focuses on building, public space and landscape design. In their practice they also carry out projects in the editorial field related with the spreading of architecture and they participate in actions that offer them the opportunity to reflect upon the city, the discipline itself and its relationship with society. 

In their practice, they believe in the perceptive and relational experience that our work generates in the construction of our environment. All of this is interwoven by their foremost interest: to materialize and add quality to what belongs to everyone, to the places in which they all interact, the places in which the collective is expressed.
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Munarq is an architectural studio based in Mallorca founded by Rafel Munar and Pau Munar focused on the integration of architecture in the Mediterranean landscape. Always trying to come up with new ideas to the constructive tradition of the island.

To be successful we try to solve complex problems in the most direct and efficient manner. We are deeply focused on respecting our land and that is why we always think of a sustainable construction that will affect our landscape at least, using natural materials and favorable mutations for our environment. While dealing with a broad scope of clients and all their requirements and possibilities, we aims for the simplest solutions in order to be fundamentally effective and pragmatical.

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peris+toral.arquitectes. Founded in 2005 by Marta Peris and Jose Manuel Toral, both graduated from ETSAB, peris+toral.arquitectes is an architecture practice based in Barcelona, which combines its professional activity with the academic one. They are currently working on different projects, both in housing and public space, while working as teachers in the  Faculty of Architecture in Barcelona (ETSAB) and IED.

Their work has been published in architecture books and magazines, nationally and internationally, and exhibited in UIA Tokyo 2011, París 2009 and the Venice Biennal 2000. Theoretically, the practice has published articles in architecture books and magazines, including Arquitectura COAM,  Ed. Fundamentos and  DC Papers are to highlight. Their work has been recognized with awards such as AJAC Joves Arquitectes 2011, FAD 2009 award finalists,  and Saloni d’Arquitect award finalists.

finalists2024  Winner RIBA International Prize
2024  Winner RIBA International Awards for Excellence
2024  Winner Global Galvanizing Award 
2024  Winner Construmat Awards Sustainability 
2023  Premio Especial Asturiana de Zinc - Premios ATEG 
2023  Premio Fassa Bartolo Prize Sustainable Architecture
2023  Obra destacada Mostra arquitectura de Barcelona
2022  Finalista Premio MIES VAN DER ROHE Award
2022  Winner Grand Prix du Design Platinium Winner
2022  Winner EDUWIK Architecture Excellence Awards
2022  Winner Gold Award BEST ARCHITECTS - Gold Award
2022  Winner Best Multi-family Housing Future House Awards
2022  Winner Wood Design & Building Award
2021  Winner. Premio Europeo di Architettura MATILDE BAFFA UGO RIVOLTA 2021. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Gold Award. BEST ARCHITECTS 22. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  First Prize. Premios MAPEI a la Arquitectura Sostenible 2021. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner Jury's TOP PICK. BLT Built Design Awards - Social Housing. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. THE PLAN AWARD 2021 - Social Housing. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner Best of best. ARCHITECTURE MASTERPRIZE AMP 2021 - Residential Multi Unit. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner ex-aequo. Premio CATALUNYA CONSTRUCCIÓ 2021 - Innovació a la construcció. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. Premio A+ by DAIKIN  - Vivienda plurifamiliar. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. XV Premios NAN Arquitectura y construcción 2021 - Residencial. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Winner. Premio de opinión, PREMIO FAD DE ARQUITECTURA. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà
2021  Awarded. Arquitectura y Urbanismo, BEAU XV. 85 Viviendas sociales en Cornellà

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Sergio Sebastián´s Architecture Office was founded by Sergio Sebastián Franco in 2006 and is based in Saragossa.

Sergio Sebastián Franco. Calatayud (1976). Architect ETSA Madrid.  2002. PhD Architect  ETSA Madrid. 2016. Architectural Design at the University of Zaragoza since 2009. Among his main works are the City of Justice in Zaragoza, or the Palace of Justice in Huesca, or the Master Plan for the rehabilitation of the Palace of the Audience of Zaragoza. Among the fields of art and architecture, they have been developing pieces of artistic lighting since 2004.

Currently, he is developing various studies for the recovery of the Camino De Santiago in Aragon and the enhancement of various dispersed and abandoned heritage in various nuclei to its He passed. He is also a contributing critic at Zenda Libros.

Selected in the Spanish Pavilion of the Venice Architecture Biennale 2020. Gold Medal for the DOMUS Restauro e Conservazione Award (2014). Architecture Award with EÑE (2018 and 2016). Ricardo Magdalena Awards (2020, 2018, and 2013). Construlita Mexico Award (2019). Paysage Triennale di Milano Award (2019). Innomatnet Awards Award. New materials in Building Industrie (2014). Excellence Award in Historic Architectural Renovations in Build Magazine’s Architecture Awards (2015). Rethinking The Future International Awards Award (2018 and 2015). Blue Stone Awards Archi-World Award (2013). Special mention Europa Nostra Awards (2014). Selected in various editions of the European Landscape Biennial, the Spanish Architecture Biennial, the Urban CCCB Awards, or the CSCAE Architecture in Positive Awards. Finalist in the Arquia / Próxima awards, Piranesi Accademia Adrianea di Roma, ASCER, García Mercadal COAA, Prémio Jornal-Larus architecturas urban equipment Iberian, and LUMEC CLU Foundation Philips, SAIE Selection Contest´12 Archi-Europe.
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Takk (Mireia Luzárraga + Alejandro Muiño) is a space for architectural production focused on the development of experimental and speculative material practices in the intersection between nature and culture in the contemporary framework, with a special attention on the overcoming of anthropocentrism on its different ways (political, ecological, cultural, ​on gender...), and also on the definition of new notions of beauty through the articulation of the difference by assembling a multiplicity of materials from different origins and conditions, paying attention both to their physical properties and to their symbolic associations.

Mireia Luzárraga (Madrid, 1981) and Alejandro Muiño (Barcelona, 1982) are architects since 2008 graduated with honours for Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM-UPM) and Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura del Vallés (ETSAV-UPC) respectively and M.Arch. Architects for Universidad Internacional de Cataluña (ESARQ-UIC).

Their work has been awarded and distinguished in several national and international competitions. Some of them are: Fad Award on Architecture 2011 for the Project The walls Are Coming Down (2011) on the Ephemeral Interventions Group, Fad Award on Architecture Shortlisted for the Project Dreamhouse (2013), and they have been catalogued on the two last editions of the Arquia Próxima Award for architects under 40 in Spain. Besides, Takk has been awarded with the first Price for the built projects Paradís (2012) and Dreamhouse (2013), has won an Honourable Mention in the 1st Award on Social Architecture of the Konecta Foundation 2012 for the project Suitcase House, and has been invited to participate on the Open Innovation Platform in the Spanish Pavilion on the XIII International Exhibition of the Venice Biennale in 2012. Their work has been distinguised in national and international platforms such as Europan or Pasajes-iGuzzini and it has been published in magazines such as OnDiseño, D+A, Pasajes de Arquitectura y Crítica, AV Proyectos, Arquitectura COAM or Arquine among others. They have been exhibited at the Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB), the International Art Fair ARCOmadrid, the Cultural Center las Cigarreras at Alicante, and the FAD (Fomento del Arte y del Diseño).

Additionally to this profesional practice, Takk is developing a framework in the field of research and teaching. Mireia Luzárraga and Alejandro Muiño are teachers in the Projects Department of the Universidad de Alicante (UA), on the Instituto Europeo di Design in Madrid (IED Madrid), and Master Tutors in the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia in Barcelona(IAAC). They have also participated as teachers in different workshops and summer schools and have explained their work in several lectures internationally.

At the present time, Mireia and Alejandro combine their profesional and teaching labour with the development of their respective PhD Thesis on the politics of ornament and self sufficient micro-communities. They have been granted for them with the scholarship “Junior Faculty – La Caixa”.
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TEd'A arquitectes is a small studio located in Mallorca and consists for Irene Pérez and Jaume Mayol.

Irene Pérez (1976). Architect for the ETSA Vallés (2001). Woodcock Oldemburg Workshop (1998), scholarship studies at the Faculty of Roma Tre (1999). Collaborates in the Pérez-Moré arquitectes (1999-2001) and Joan Pascual arquitecte (2001-2004) studies.

Jaume Mayol (1976). Architect by ETSA Vallés (2000). architect Doctor cum laude from the UPC, with the thesis School architecture Guillem Forteza (1917-1943), directed by Josep Quetglas. He collaborates in studies of Batlle i Roig (1999-2000) i RCR arquitectes (2000-2001). Assistant Professor of the Master "Architecture: Critical and project" UPC, 2003. Professor Fellow at the ETSA Vallés, 2003-2004. Reader professor credited as the AQU Catalonia (2011). Professor summer course "thousand pedreres". Professor of Projects and Design Studio in school IE Madrid (2011-2014).
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Mónica Rivera y Emiliano López Arquitectos is an architectural firm, based in Barcelona, ​​founded by Emiliano López and Mónica Rivera. Rivera y López's work spans multiple scales and has received numerous international awards. Their practice focuses on carefully crafted works that understand architecture as a cultural endeavor that is deeply engaged with the environment.

Mónica Rivera was born in Puerto Rico in 1972. In 1999 she graduated with a Master of Architecture with Distinction from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD Scholarship). She received a degree in Fine Arts in 1993 and a degree in Architecture in 1994 from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD Scholarship). She worked for the Architecture Research Office (ARO) in New York for three years and for Gustavo Gili Publishing from 2000 to 2004.

She has been a visiting professor of architecture at ESARQ, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya from 1999 to 2002; a third-year professor of the Interior Design Workshop focusing on domestic space at Elisava Escola de Disseny, Barcelona from 2001 to 2008; the Eugene McDermott Centennial Visiting Professor, School of Architecture, University of Texas, Austin in 2017 and a visiting professor of architecture at Washington University in St. Louis from 2015 to 2017.

She is currently the JoAnne Stolaroff Cotsen Professor and Chair of Graduate Architecture in the College of Architecture and the Sam Fox Graduate School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis.

Emiliano López Matas was born in Argentina in 1971 and grew up in Barcelona. In 2012 he received his PhD in Architecture from the Universitat Politèctina de Catalunya, with the thesis entitled “6107 MSD. Peabody Terrace: Keys to a design process led by Josep Lluís Sert”. In 1999 he received a Master’s degree in Architecture from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University (a scholarship from the Real Colegio Complutense de Madrid) and in 1997 he received a Master’s degree in “History: Art, City and Architecture” from the UPC, ETSA Barcelona. He graduated in Architecture from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Vallès in 1996.

He taught at the School of Architecture of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Reus from 2006 to 2008 and at ESARQ, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (2001-2004). He was an adjunct professor at the University of Calgary and co-director of the school's Barcelona Architecture Program from 2004 to 2007; Associate Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Vallès from 2001 to 2004 and Adjunct Professor from 2008 to 2014. Finally, he was a Visiting Professor of Architecture at Washington University in St. Louis from 2015 to 2017.

He is currently a Full Professor in the Faculty of Architecture and the Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Design at the Sam Fox Faculty of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis.

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Published on: January 13, 2025
Cite: "16 Works Selected for “Internalities”, the Spanish Pavilion at the 19th Venice Architecture Biennale" METALOCUS. Accessed
<https://www.metalocus.es/en/news/16-works-selected-internalities-spanish-pavilion-19th-venice-architecture-biennale> ISSN 1139-6415
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