The team led by Josep Ferrando, Manel Casellas, Mar Puig, and Pedro García won the competition to design the fire station in the Spanish region of Moià, north of Barcelona. The proposal is compact and gives the structure as an expression of its presence in the territory.

The structure is made of a sequence of porches perpendicular to the street, which project asymmetric flights and enhance transparency between both parts of the land. The element is modular and easily allows future extensions.

The architects Josep Ferrando, Manel Casellas, Mar Puig and Pedro García adopt the double scale of a portico embedded in another portico and resolve the duality between the domesticity required by the firefighter and the large size of the trucks that inhabit the garage.

The main objective of the project was to build in the shortest possible time and seek more efficiency in materials. The Park adopts elements made in the workshop that are assembled on site. A laminated wood skeleton forms the double pillars and the beams flanked by said pillars. Wood sandwich panels modulate the façade in a checkerboard game that qualifies the relationship between interior and exterior according to their uses.

Descripción del proyecto por Josep Ferrando Architecture

A compact and austere building that gives prominence to the structure as an expression of its presence in the territory. A sequence of porticoes perpendicular to the street and the landscape project asymmetric flights that enhance transparency between both parts of the territory, building a plane 7 meters above the ground that seems to float over the fields. A neutral and modular element that will easily allow future extensions.

The double scale of a portico embedded in another portico, like a Russian doll, resolves the coexistence between the domesticity required by the firefighter who inhabits the park and the size of the trucks that inhabit the garage. A single gesture that systematizes and unites. The industrialization demanded in the tender to build the Park in the shortest possible time is resolved by means of elements made in the workshop that are assembled on site. A laminated wood skeleton forms the double pillars (to give it slenderness) and the beams flanged by said pillars. Wooden sandwich panels modulate the façade in a checkerboard game that qualifies the relationship between interior and exterior according to their uses.

A construction based on the efficiency of the materials, where no waste is produced due to its industrialization and where CO2 is fixed through the use of wood. Wood as a material symbol of the 21st century and as an ideal choice due to its low conductivity compared, for example, with steel.

The material is structure, protection and enveloping at the same time.

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Architects.- Roger Escorihuela, Ilaria Caprioli, Juan Maria Barbero. Structure assessor.- Calmat (Josep Nel·lo). Mechanical assesor.-JSS (Lluïsa Sánchez). Envelope Assessor.- XMADE (Miquel Rodríguez). Aparejador.- SGS (Miguel Rojo).
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Departament d'interior, Catalunya Generalitat.
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Competition.- 2016. Completed.- 2020.
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Total area.- 1.725 m².
Usable floor area.- 485 m².
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€/m² 800.
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08180 Moià, Barcelona, Spain.
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Josep Ferrando Bramona is an architect based in Barcelona and director of the Josep Ferrando Architecture office. He has combined design, construction and teaching since the beginning of his career as an architect.

Since 1998 he has been a professor of projects in schools such as ETSAB (Department of Architectural Projects, Housing and City Course, City of Barcelona Award 2016 with the research "Arquitectos de Cabecera“), Torcuato di Tella University of Buenos Aires, Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura La Salle (ETSALS), the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), the Hochschule für Technik Zürich (HSZT), the Escola de disseny i art Sina and the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) of Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro where he is Director of Master Space Design Methdology. He has also been invited to prestigious international schools, where he has directed workshops and semesters.

In 2014 he participated with the exhibition "In progress Matter & Light" at the 14th Architecture Biennial of the prestigious Architekturforum Redes de Berlin Gallery, the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Santiago de Chile and the Biennial International Architecture of Buenos Aires. In 2016, with his work "casa entre medianeras", he was part of the "Unfinished" exhibition of the Spanish pavilion of the 15th Venice Architecture Biennial awarded with the Golden Lion of the exhibition. In the cultural field he has participated in numerous juries, among which stand out the FAD 2018 and the XI BIAU Awards, and since 2018 he has headed the Vocalía de Cultura of the Architects' Association of Catalonia, at which time he was awarded the National Culture Prize.

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2260mm is an architecture studio based in Barcelona, ​​founded and lead by Mar Puig de la Bellacasa and Manel Casellas. They have a long experience in carrying out projects for private and public clients, which include everything from housing to facilities, renovations with sustainability criteria and interior design projects. They are specialized in the use of wood in their projects, having made several public facilities and private buildings with wooden structures.

Manel Casellas, architect from the ETSAB-UPC, 1997. He was a collaborator of the Pere Juanola architecture studio between 1994 and 1999, the year in which he founded Manel Casellas Estudi d'Arquitectura, with the occasional collaboration of other architects, surveyors and architecture students. He has specialized in sustainability and in the realization of passive houses (Certified Passive house Designer).

Mar Puig de la Bellacasa, architect by the ETSAB-UPC, 1997. She collaborated with the Carlos Ferrater Lambarri Arquitecte studio between 1997 and 1999, and with Lluís Martín- Olga Duque Arquitectes between 1999 and 2001, the year in which she founded Mar Puig de la Bellacasa Architecture office. Between 2001-2004 he collaborates with Joan Guibernau- Elena Mateu Arquitectes, and between 2006 and 2007 he collaborates in the Supervision of Architectural Projects Department of Education Generalitat de Catalunya.
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Pedro García Hernández, architect from the ETSAB-UPC, based in Barcelona. He is desin professor at different universities (among others at: La Salle URL, from 1998 to now, and at Rovira and Virgili, URV, from 2009 to now).
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