Casa en los Andenes by Aurelio Herrera & Enrique Llatas

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Enrique Llatas

Enrique Llatas is architect and co-founder of Llatas Office Design (Llo Design), with seat in Lima. He studied architecture in the UPC and the UEM (2010) and obtained a Master in Advanced Architectural Projects in the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid, ETSAM (2013).

His work has been published in Metalocus, Arquitectura Viva, Archdaily, Designboom, Arkinka and othe international journals.

In 2011, the work 3N1 was nominated to “Work of the Year” in Plataforma Arquitectura. In 2013, the project Recovery of the Historical Centre of Huamanga, (Recuperación del Centro Histórico de Huamanga), was published in the section of Young Spanish Teams, exportable talent, in AV projects. In 2014, the work 3N1 was nominated to the Gold Hexagon for the Peruvian Bienal and in 2015 gained a mention in the PADIS Prize.

In the academic area, he has been teacher in the USMP and mentor in the Ribot Unit Co-Laboratory of the ETSAM. He is teacher of the UPN at the moment.

Aurelio Herrera

Aurelio Herrera. Bachelor in Architecture + Urbanism (URP -1994), Professor at UPC/Architecture Faculty (1995-2000), MDI at UP/Madrid and PUCP (2001), Co-teached with Arch. Juvenal Baracco (2002), Studies at L`Ecole d` Architecture de Belleville (Paris, France-2004 ).

His focus resides mainly in temporal/minimal housing projects, as well as, multi-occupational buildings. Nowadays he directs his own firm, Herrera Arquitectos with the architect Milagros Lanza.




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