EL OTRO FUEGO by Inés Mendoza

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Inés Mendoza

Inés Mendoza is an architect and writer. She was born in Venezuela, although she has been living in Madrid for the past ten years. She has collaborated on articles, reviews and short stories in both the national and international press (Copenhagen, Chicago, Caracas, Madrid) and in publications specialised in architecture.

Her work as a short story writer won prizes in the XI Concurso de Narraciones Cortas Villa de Torre Pacheco 2004 and in the Concurso Internacional de Cuento Casa de Teatro 2005, among others. Her work has also been included in the anthologies  “Voces Nuevas y otros cuentos” (República Dominicana, 2005), and  “Parábola de los Talentos” (Madrid, 2007). “El otro fuego” is her first book.




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