Extension and renovation in Iceland's modernist legacy. Ægisíða 44 by Trípólí Architects

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Project team
Andri Gunnar Lyngberg Andrésson, Guðni Valberg, Jón Davíð Ásgeirsson.
Interior Design.- Rut Kára. Team.- AGLA, JDÁ.
255 sqm.
Reykjavik, Iceland.

Andri Gunnar, Guðni Valberg, Jón Davíð Ásgeirsson. Trípólí Architects

Trípólí is an Iceland-based architectural office established by architects Andri Gunnar Lyngberg AndréssonGuðni Valberg, and Jón Davíð Ásgeirsson.

Their partnership began when the trio graduated from the Iceland Academy of the Arts. Soon it developed into an international collaboration as the three exchanged ideas and participated in architectural competitions while studying and working in Zürich, Aarhus, and Oslo – hence the name Trípólí.

The office is engaged in all aspects of architecture and urban design and is working on projects of all sizes – ranging from masterplans to single-family houses – parallel with research, writing, curating, and lecturing.

Trípólí’s approach is rooted in research and theory, and they rely on a continual dialogue with experts and consultants, across various backgrounds and professional fields, in every stage of the design process.

The office’s goal is to take an innovative and considered approach to form, structure, and material, in addition to sensitivity and respect for the character of each unique place. Instead of adhering to a particular architectural style or dogma, they aim to make work that is contemporary yet rooted in its historical, social, environmental, and economical context.



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