"JAPAN - 日本". A photography book by Tina Bagué and Toru Morimoto

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Toru Morimoto

Toru Morimoto (Akashi, Japan 1972) started working as a photographer for the Daily Nation, a Kenyan newspaper in Nairobi while he was a master student of the photojournalism department in the School of Journalism, University of Missouri. After doing internship in Magnum Photos and The New York Times in New York, he moved to Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and started freelancing to cover the whole West Africa. Since 2004, he has been based in Barcelona, Spain, and has been working on photographic documentary projects. He won a prize from POYi in 2007, and Ueno Hikoma Award in 2009.



Tina Bagué (Barcelona, Spain 1974) since 1998 she works as a freelance photographer for various publications. Shortly thereafter, she also began to travel around the world with her camera. For the last nine years, she has traveled more than 20 countries, producing travel reportages that have appeared in many magazines such as El País Semanal, Condé Nast Traveler, Lonely Planet Magazine, etc. Since 2002 she is also the editor in chief of Digitalfoto published in Spain. Currently she works in color and digital.





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