New Administration and Production Headquarters of Silos Córdoba

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Lola Moral Mata y Miguel Velasco Serrano.
Silos Córdoba.
Rabanales 21 science and technology park, Córdoba. Spain.
Constructed area.-
1.400 sqm (ofices) + 10.000 sqm (fabric)

LMVarquitectos LMVarquitectos

LMVarquitectos are a specialized study in Integrated Project Management architecture. They have developed projects New Plant, Rehabilitation and Integrated Management nationally and collaborations with architectural firms and international companies.

Lola moral Mata. (Cordoba, Spain, 1986).
He studied at the School of Architecture of Seville (ETSAS) between 2004 and 2010.
Later he studied Master of Examination and Rehabilitation at the School of Architecture of Seville. 2011-2012
Certified by Project Manager Project Manager Institute in 2015.
Since the end of the race has combined LMVarquitectos work with the integral management of projects with large companies such as Silos Córdoba or Quinta Metal. Currently he is developing together with the company hiself a system of prefabricated social housing quickly erected.

Miguel Velasco Serrano. (Cordoba, Spain, 1986).
He studied at the School of Architecture of Seville (ETSAS) between 2004 and 2010.
He later studied innovation Master in Architecture: Technology and design at the School of Architecture of Seville. 2011-2012
Project Manager Project Manager Institute certified in 2015.
Since the end of the race has focused its profile architect Management.
He has combined the work of Project Manager Industrial grain storage plants internationally with the company Silos Cordoba Project Management Architecture of different kinds in LMVarquitectos.



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