As if it were the artist's own workshop, the exhibition shows some of his pieces, sculptures, drawings, photographs and models.
The work of the architect and artist Juan Navarro Baldeweg is characterized by the multiplicity of influences, which enriches and extends the concepts of its architecture, as well as other disciplines. This sample arises from Lunas, a painting he made in 1980, and the ideas that have played a leading role in his work since then: gravity, light, body and processes. These ideas generate a plot thread in his works, independently of the artistic discipline and its temporary location.

Description of project by Ignacio Moreno

The space lacks qualities. Its properties are explained by what happens in it: light in light; support in gravitation and balances; the expanded body, the hand in space; doing and undoing, the conscience of building, which is also destroying... and by our experience linked to those essential coordinates in which things are harbored. A common determination governs the interrelation among paintings, projects, sculptures and installations, and goes
and is transferred from one work to another.

Juan Navarro Baldeweg

Juan Navarro Baldeweg’s creative labour spans disciplines as diverse as architecture, painting, installation art, sculpture and essay writing. His artistic output constitutes a singular body of work remarkable both for its coherence and the range of media it encompasses. The transfer of ideas and concepts from one art form to another that characterizes Navarro Baldeweg’s work broadens the traditional conceptual boundaries of the field of architecture. The multiple influences in his work and his interest in applying the same set of principles to whatever medium he employs, have led him to focus on the manner in which one discipline flows into another, on the ways of creating passageways between the fields of each artistic practice.

Navarro Baldeweg’s use of the “ring” as a conceptual framework for artistic expression dates back to his 1980 painting Lunas, in which he depicted the changing positions of the moon in relation to an invisible sun, whose presence is inferred by its reflection in the lunar images encircling it, against a red background. This composition groups Navarro Baldeweg’s work around four motifs always central to him: gravity, light, body and processes. Situating pieces executed in different media within specific rings highlighted their common determinations and narrative plotline. Shunning the more conventional chronological or thematic approach to exhibition design, Navarro Baldeweg stresses in these texts that his paintings, pieces and architectures –albeit created at different times or using different media– are all affected by perceived, reflected or amplified energies, and can thus be arranged or grouped in conceptual rings, allowing us to become aware of shared essential coordinates. An exhibition thus organized allows spectators to move through the mental space of the artist, hopping from ring to ring and exploring the works on display as elements within an artistic zodiac.

The pieces, sculptures, drawings, photographs and architectural models proposed constitute a representative section of his artistic output since the 1970s, as an artist workshop, that demonstrates the continued pursuit of various threads of research over time.

​Ignacio Moreno



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Ignacio Moreno
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Exhibition design
Navarro Baldeweg Asociados
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MUVE coordination
Elisabetta Barisoni
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Iuav coordination
Renato Bocchi, Claudia Pirina
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Ca’ Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna Venezia, Santa Croce, 2076. Venezia, Italy
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From 25 May to 7 October. Schedule.- 10 to 18h, closed on Mondays
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Juan Navarro Baldeweg was born in Santander in 1939, where he studied drawing and painting. He studied engraving at the San Fernando School of Fine Arts starting in 1959. The following year, he held his first exhibition in the Fernando Fe Gallery, also in the Spanish capital city. In 1974, a grant from the Juan March permitted him to travel to the Centre for Advanced Visual Studies at the Massachussets Institute of Technology, to complete and develop his research. He has taught at the universities of Harvard, Pennsylvania, Yale and professor at the School of Architecture of Madrid. He has been a permanent member of the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts since 2003.

Main awards:
2014 National Architecture Award.
2012 Premio a la Trayectoria Profesional en la VIII Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2012 Premio Tomás Francisco Prieto 2012.
2010 Premio Juan de Herrera del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Cantabria.
2009 Premio X Bienal Española de Arquitectura.
2008 Medalla de Oro de la Arquitectura, Consejo Superior de Arquitectos de España, 2008.
2007 Medalla de Oro al Mérito de las Bellas Artes 2007.
2005 Premios Villa de Madrid 2005. Premio de Escultura “Mariano Benlliure” a Juan Navarro Baldeweg por la exposición Esculturas realizada en la Galería Marlborough, Madrid.
2003 Premio a la actuación temporal por la Exposición Universo Gaudí en el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. XVII Premios de Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Obra Pública correspondiente al 2002. Ayuntamiento de Madrid Académico numerario de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.
2001 Honorary Fellow of The American Institute of Architects.
2000 Académico electo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid. Homenaje a Juan Navarro Baldeweg en ARPAfil 2000, XIV Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
1998 Premio Heinrich Tessenow 1998.
1990 Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas.

Calle de Carbonero y Sol, 14, 13 - 28006 Madrid, Spain.

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