The architect and artist Juan Navarro Baldeweg (Santander, 1939) has been awarded today with the National Architecture Prize 2014, granted by the Ministry of Development. The award given to Navarro Baldeweg recognizes his long career and his contribution to the recent history of Spanish architecture and painting. Currently, the ICO Museum hosts in its halls the first major retrospective of the artist's architectural work.

Under the title Un Zodiaco, the exhibition brings together more than 30 of the most significant projects of Navarro Baldeweg and makes a journey where different disciplines are mixed that reveal the keys of the artist's discourse, undoubtedly one of the most unquestionable creators in history recent. The exhibition can be visited at the ICO Museum until next February 2015.


He graduated from the School of Architecture of Madrid in 1965 and holds a Ph.D. in 1965, and built his first building between 1979 and 1982 (the Rain House in Liérganes, Cantabria). Since then, its production has been continuous and abundant, extending until the same 2014 with the recent inauguration of the headquarters of the Novartis Laboratories (2009-2014) on its Basel campus.

Among its buildings are some of the most emblematic projects built in Spain over the past four decades. Among others, the reordering of the San Francisco el Grande area in Madrid (1982-1994); the rehabilitation of the Molinos del Río Segura, in Murcia (1984-1987); the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of Castilla y León, in Salamanca (1985-1992) [1]; the seat of the Junta de Extremadura, in Mérida (1989-1995); the National Museum and Research Center of Altamira, in Santillana del Mar (1994-2001); the restructuring of the Molino de Martos, in Córdoba (1997-2005); the Teatros del Canal, in Madrid (2000-2008) [2]; and the Cultural Equipment in the "Solar de la Caballería" (of which the Museum of Human Evolution forms part), in Burgos (200-2012).

The National Architecture Award 2014 is joined by numerous other awards and distinctions he has received throughout his career, including the following: 1990 National Prize for Plastic Arts; 1998 Gold Medal Heinrich Tessenow 1998; 2000 Academician elected from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid; 2007 Gold Medal for Merit of the Fine Arts 2007; 2008 Gold Medal of the Superior Council of the Associations of Architects of Spain 2008; 2012 VIII Ibero-American Architecture and Urbanism Biennial, Prize for Professional Career; 2013 First Prize XII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism by the Hertzian Library of Rome; 2014 National Prize of Italian Architecture by the Hertzian Library of Rome.


Since 2001, the National Architecture Prize -constituted in 1932- has been awarded to a professional career, those architects whose outstanding and continuous contribution, carried out fundamentally in Spain and valued with objective criteria, has highlighted the social, economic aspects, aesthetic and technological of Architecture.

The National Architecture Prize, endowed with 60,000 euros, is promoted by the Ministry of Development, which awards the award at the proposal of a jury composed of prominent professionals, such as the architect Antonio Fernández Alba, Carlos Ferrater, and Lluís Clotet (National Awards of Architecture 2009 and 2010), Fernando de Terán (Royal Academy of Fine Arts), Luis Fernández-Galiano (Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain), Blanca Lleó (Conference of Rectors of the Universities of Spain) and Carme Pinós (Superior Council of the Associations of Architects of Spain). The general director of Architecture, Housing and Land of the Ministry of Development, Juan Van-Halen, acted as secretary of the jury.

The candidature of Juan Navarro Baldeweg has been chosen among 12 others and corresponds to the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the ICO Foundation and the Caja de Arquitectos Foundation. The Prize will be given by the Minister of Public Works, Ana Pastor, in the near future.

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Juan Navarro Baldeweg was born in Santander in 1939, where he studied drawing and painting. He studied engraving at the San Fernando School of Fine Arts starting in 1959. The following year, he held his first exhibition in the Fernando Fe Gallery, also in the Spanish capital city. In 1974, a grant from the Juan March permitted him to travel to the Centre for Advanced Visual Studies at the Massachussets Institute of Technology, to complete and develop his research. He has taught at the universities of Harvard, Pennsylvania, Yale and professor at the School of Architecture of Madrid. He has been a permanent member of the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts since 2003.

Main awards:
2014 National Architecture Award.
2012 Premio a la Trayectoria Profesional en la VIII Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo.
2012 Premio Tomás Francisco Prieto 2012.
2010 Premio Juan de Herrera del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Cantabria.
2009 Premio X Bienal Española de Arquitectura.
2008 Medalla de Oro de la Arquitectura, Consejo Superior de Arquitectos de España, 2008.
2007 Medalla de Oro al Mérito de las Bellas Artes 2007.
2005 Premios Villa de Madrid 2005. Premio de Escultura “Mariano Benlliure” a Juan Navarro Baldeweg por la exposición Esculturas realizada en la Galería Marlborough, Madrid.
2003 Premio a la actuación temporal por la Exposición Universo Gaudí en el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. XVII Premios de Urbanismo, Arquitectura y Obra Pública correspondiente al 2002. Ayuntamiento de Madrid Académico numerario de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando.
2001 Honorary Fellow of The American Institute of Architects.
2000 Académico electo de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid. Homenaje a Juan Navarro Baldeweg en ARPAfil 2000, XIV Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México.
1998 Premio Heinrich Tessenow 1998.
1990 Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas.

Calle de Carbonero y Sol, 14, 13 - 28006 Madrid, Spain.

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