I'm writing to tell you a little story that is making headlines in the newspapers in Beijing, and has as its protagonist a coworker.
• Dai Haifei is a boy from a rural area of southern China, hi is 24 years old and is working in our office since the summer. For his graduation project as an architect he built his own motor home. Made with parents and friends, asking a loan of about 6500 yuan (750 euros). Spending half the building and the other half for transport. This here in China is much, especially for one who comes from a peasant family in which this money is the salary of over one year.
• The house is shaped like an egg, in fact in the study will call the egg-boy (鸡蛋 男孩 Jidan nánhái) and is parked in front of our study. Dai Heifei has been living in the egg since the summer, and yesterday (despite the cold weather here in Beijing).
• The government don't has welcomed this proposal as it fears that people will start building their own homes and are dedicated to colonize the streets of Beijing. This past week has been a lot of trouble of lawyers, policemen and journalists, I was even interviewed on Chinese television and now will destroy the egg.
So yesterday we work to hide the egg in an abandoned factory, so you will not find.
I keep reporting.
Hector, a correspondent from Beijing