"Landscapes". Marcas de agua. Santiago Morilla

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Santiago Morilla

Santiago Morilla (Madrid, 1973) has a degree in Fine Arts by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid and specialized in MA of ‘MEDIA Lab’ in University of Art and Design of Helsinki (Finland). He has received significant awards and scholarships, such as the Plastic Arts Scholarship on Real Academia de España, in Rome –granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation– and has carried out numerous individual and collective exhibitions, among which his involvement on the International Fair MACRO ‘The Road to Contemporary Art’ (2010), exhibition on Galería CO2 (Rome) and his site-specific intervention ‘Nidi’ on the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere (Rome).

Recently, he has participated, with the project ‘El Jardín de la Buena Dicha’, on the Noche en Blanco of Madrid 2010, has also presented his urban art redefinition project ‘Los límites del paisaje’ –on the Art Gallery José Robles–, and the contemporary art museum of Palazzo Collicola de Spoleto (Italy) has acquired his mural work ‘The renewal mold’.





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