ALO0240. Huertas en Caramoniña. Elizabeth Abalo and Gonzalo Alonso
ARB0257. Casa Andamio. Ramon Bosch Pagès i Elisabet Capdeferro Pla
CRE0203. Casa chao. CREUSeCARRASCO (Juan Creus / Covadonga Carrasco)
ENR0389. Nuevo acceso al centro histórico de Gironella. Carles Enrich Giménez
GAR0319. Escuela de Vela de Sotogrande. Héctor Fernández Elorza y Carlos García Fernández
MAC0028. Recuperación del Caminito del Rey. Luis Machuca Santa-Cruz
MEN0277. Museo Serlachius “Gösta Pavilion”. Mara Partida, Héctor Mendoza, Boris Bezan
MUN0385. La casa de los vientos. José Luis Muñoz Muñoz
PER0228. Viviendas para realojos en el Casco Histórico de Pamplona. Pereda | Pérez | Arquitectos
PER0513. Gran Canaria Arena. Eduardo Pérez Gómez y Miguel Ángel Sánchez García
ROS0127. Casa 1014. HARQUITECTES
SÁN0492. Industria de montajes eléctricos. José María Sánchez García
SUÁ0445. Auzo Factory Irazábal Matiko. Asier Santas Torres y Luis Suárez Mansilla
TUÑ0047. Museo de las Colecciones Reales. Luis Moreno Mansilla y Emilio Tuñón Álvarez
The jury considered it appropriate to grant the following awards to other proposals:
20 FINALISTS WORKS, which together with the winning ones represent to the jury an overview of the years covered by the call, highlighting the sensitivity and accuracy in how to intervene on the existing, the integration of architecture and urbanism in the urban medium and landscape, incorporating society in developed architectural and urban processes from the discipline, and innovative proposals as a cultural contribution and technological progress in construction. The selection of these 42 proposals includes a set of projects related to the problems of our time,standing for the works that best suit the needs of their social, economic and cultural context.
Check out the list of finalists:
59 selected works, which together with the winning and finalists are 101 proposals that represent to the jury an overview of the architectural and urban production carried out in recent years by Spanish architects, in which domestic interventions and small scale take precedence versus large projects, public investment and urban planning.