Carlos Martí Arí passes away at 71, from COVID-19 (1948-2020)

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Carlos Martí Arí

Carlos Martí Arí, (born June 10th, 1948 and death May, 01st, 2020, in Barcelona, Spain) is an architect and full professor at the Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Graduated in 1972 from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB), his real school was "2c Construcción de la Ciudad", of which he was a founding member and deputy editor from 1972 to 1985. His research themes include public space and the contemporary city, the relationship between architecture and cinema, and the concept of anonymity in architecture and art in general.

In addition, Carlos Martí was the promoter of editorial initiatives such as the Arquitectura-Teoría collection by Ediciones Serbal, the Arquíthesis and La cimbra collections by the Caja de Arquitectos Foundation or the DPA magazine of the Department of UPC Architectural Projects. Between his books it is possible to emphasize the variations on the identity. Essay on the type in architecture (1990) —which will be reissued soon—, Eloquent Silences (1999), The forms of residence in the modern city (1991) and Santiago de Compostela. La ciudad histórica como presente (1996), La arquitectura del cine. Studies on Dreyer, Hitchcock, Ford and Ozu (2008), The Arch and the Arch (2005) and Loose Capes (2012).



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