The dark side of the city. Madrid Underground by Manuel Álvarez Diestro and Karlos Gil

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Manuel Álvarez Diestro

Manuel Álvarez Diestro. Born in Santander in 1972, is a designer by vocation, although his professional life turns around marketing and communications company. He loves the creativity,  the innovation and the "Branding" of the big brands, which closely follows and learning every day.

His passion rides between art and architecture and its way of expression is the photography. He explores the city with his camera looking urban landscapes to revitalize, through the image, the appreciation of the cities in their various developments. We can see these images in his his latest work "New Cairo", "Pyramids," "Parabolic Facades", "Playgrounds of the world", "Souvenirs de Beyrouth", "Dystopic Songdo" and "Amphitheaters".

Karlos Gil

Karlos Gil. (Talavera, 1984) He studied at the School of Visuals Arts in New York and the School of Fine Arts in Lisbon and Madrid, where he obtained a doctorate in 2016.

His work is centered explores ideas of nature and its transformation over deep geological to explore the “otherness” of our surrounding world. His practice examines the complex and often contradictory ways in which human beings relate with the natural world, layering his artworks with encrypted stories from science fiction, occultism, underground culture, nihilism, mythology and industrial and biological evolution. His latest projects are conceived as scenarios that generate new possibilities of co-dependence between events and the objects they produce, always reflecting on a manifest impression of the “fall of time”, decadence, ruin or obsolescence of historical time.

He has had several international exhibitions in spaces like Centre Pompidou, Paris; HKW, Berlin; Witte de With, Rotterdam; NTU CCA, Singapore, Gasworks, London; Fondazione Baruchello, Rome; CRAC-Montbeliard; Galería Luisa Strina, Sao Paulo; MARCO, Vigo; CA2M, Madrid.



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