El jardín de la metrópoli

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Enric Batlle Durany lectures in Urbanism and Landscape Architecture at the Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV) and on the Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). He gained his master’s degree in Landscape Architecture and his doctorate in 2002 with the thesis “The Garden of the Metropolis”, for which he received the extraordinary doctorate prize from the Doctorate Commission of the UPC.

In 1981 he founded, along with Joan Roig, Batlle i Roig Architects. Their office has developed numerous building projects, urban planning and landscape. He lectures in Landscape Architecture in the Department of Urbanism and Territorial Development at the ETSAV, and is involved in the Architecture and Project workshops there, and in the master’s degree in Landscape Architecture at the UPC and in the School of Architecture of Navarre (Pamplona). His work has won several awards and has been the subject of several publications.




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