The new Fine Arts Museum of Asturias began with a competition in 2007, and it hasn't been until 2014 when its construction has finished. During this time Francisco Mangado's team has developed a proposal which is in constant dialogue with the old city center of Oviedo and with its historical layers.

For the implementation of the museum, Francisco Mangado accepts the pre-existing façades and the street alignment as a conditioning and structuring element of the proposal. The interior space, bright and well articulated, can be glimpsed from the street through the façade's holes, naked and without carpentries.

This interior space is organized around a courtyard, covered with different skylights that provide all the light which is required by a museum.

Description of the project by Francisco Mangado

The project addresses the whole complex, including the future of the Velarde Palace and the Casa Oviedo-Portal. Only through such a comprehensive approach can the optimal functioning of an institution as important as the Fine Arts Museum of Asturias be guaranteed.

With this idea as starting point, the project contemplates raising an altogether new building within the urban complex. That is, the sequence of existing facades around is taken as a contextual condition, and these facades take on the role of an urban ‘backdrop’, unquestioned, against which to erect a new building with a facade of its own; a facade that reveals itself, is discerned, through naked, totally frameless openings. In the exterior it will be possible to complete a large luminous construction, glazed and full of reflections, that will project outward and superpose itself on urban history, giving the new Fine Arts Museum of Asturias a bold but complex image.

The other fundamental element for explaining the building’s relationships with the context is the inner block courtyard. Through luminous glazed catwalks, the courtyard becomes a place for encounters and an element connecting the various buildings of the museum complex.

A look at the new floor plan throws light on the importance of the courtyards, the voids, in shaping the entire complex. Both the block courtyard – adequately upgraded and incorporated into the organization of the complex – and the covered court of the new main edifice, which acts as a great skylight articulating and structuring access points and circulation elements, becoming a reference space for the entire complex, are key parts of a proposal that conceptually and physically expands the current premises made up of the Velarde Palace and the Casa Oviedo-Portal.

Light is always important in architecture, but more so in a museum. Naturally we’re not referring to the artificial lighting, which of course constitutes a project in itself, but to natural light. Ideally, the presence of natural light is exquisitely subtle. And the project has tried to work toward this ideal through the logic of the voids, whether the block courtyards or the central core, and through the logic of the skylights, which directly affect the higher floors.

There are two unique elements in the new construction. One is the new facade behind the historic one running toward Calle de la Rúa and its corner with Plaza Alfonso II. More than just a facade, this is an element of great formal, visual, and functional intensity. On one hand it will be the museum’s new image, an image always tempered by historical realities. It also shapes the public stairway, which gives access to all the museum levels, and the double- and triple-height entrance spaces; spaces that engage in dialogue with the historical facades in the way they converge with and diverge from them in the interior. The project concentrates the two periods in this thick facade and allows an oblique view of the existing city, from inside, through these facades.

And finally, with the surface of the existing facade ,the new facade with an elaborate glass finish produces a play of crossed reflections inside; an interaction between two facades that creates a space of rich intensity.

Also unique in form are the skylights on the roof, which, being set back from the line of the facade, has little impact on the exterior, but gives great quality to the interior.


Architect.- Francisco Mangado.
Work direction.- Francisco Mangado
Collaborators.- Idoia Alonso, Luís Alves, Ricardo Ventura, Sergio Rio Tinto, Abraham Piñate, Hugo Pereira, André Guerreiro, Diogo Lacerda, Justo López García arqs. (architecture), IDOM (structural engineering, installations engineering, lighting), Luis Pahisssa, Fernando Pahissa, Alberto López Diez, Angel Garcia Garcia (quantity surveyors).

Site.- Santa Ana 1-3, 33003 Oviedo. Asturias, Spain.
Dates.- 2006 (first prize competition), 2007 (project), 2009-2014 (construction)
Total area.- 2,463 sqm (under ground floor) + 8,679 sqm (above ground floor) = 11,142 sqm.
Total cost.- 16,800,000 €
Client.- Principado de Asturias - Consejería de Cultura y Turismo.
Contractor.- SEDES S.A.

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Pedro Pegenaute, nace en Pamplona en 1977. Es fotógrafo profesional especializado en arquitectura desde el 2005, año en el que aparca su trayectoria como arquitecto técnico para dedicarse exclusivamente a la fotografía. Desde entonces trabaja con arquitectos y editoriales (libros, revistas, webs) de prestigio nacional e internacional.

Ha recibido varios galardones en concursos de fotografía que premian su particular mirada: Primer premio Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro (2005); primer premio “Miradas desde la Arquitectura” (2011) Instituto Alicantino Juan Gil-Albert; finalista “Purificación García 2007” y obra seleccionada y adquirida para formar parte tanto de la exposición que posteriormente se celebró en el Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid), como de la colección privada de dicha marca. Asimismo, ha colaborado como jurado en varios concursos de fotografía.

Sus trabajos han formado parte de numerosas exposiciones de arquitectura en ciudades como Barcelona, Tokio, Los Ángeles, Nueva York, Londres, etc. y su obra personal se ha mostrado en exposiciones individuales desde 2003, año en el que su obra comienza a ser adquirida por  particulares y colecciones privadas, a la vez que recibe numerosos encargos de realización de murales de gran formato para espacios interiores.

En los últimos años, la reflexión por “lo humano de la arquitectura”, en definitiva por la explicación de la arquitectura desde la persona usuaria, y las nuevas formas de representación visual le han llevado a ensayar en el campo audiovisual con la creación de vídeos, siempre desde su esencia de fotógrafo.

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Francisco Mangado, (Navarra, 1957), is an architect from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, where he has been a professor since 1982. He has been a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, Eero Saarinen Visiting Professor at the Yale University, visiting professor at the EPF Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Baird and Gensler guest professor at Cornell University and visiting professor at the Polytechnic of Milan.

From his works they emphasize the Palace of Congresses and Auditorium of Pamplona "Baluarte" (2003), the Field of Soccer of Palencia (2006), the Municipal Center of Exhibitions and Congresses of Ávila (2009), the Museum of Archeology of Vitoria (2009 ), the Spanish Pavilion for the Zaragoza International Exhibition (2008), the BBAA Museum of Asturias in Oviedo (2015) and the recently inaugurated Palau de Congresos de Palma de Mallorca (2016) and the New Venue Building of Norvento Enerxia in Lugo (2017). Currently he develops his activity in several countries.

Thanks to this professional work he has received, among others, the Andrea Palladio Architecture Award, the Architecture FAD, the CEOE prize, the Construmat Architecture Award, the Fernando García Mercadal Architecture Prize, the Asturian Architecture Prize, the "Giancarlo Ius Gold Medal" awarded by the International Union of Architects, the Copper in Architecture Award, the RIBA EU Award, the Spanish Architecture Award 2009 and the RIBA for International Excellence, among others.

In 2011 he was named "International Fellow" of the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) and in 2013 honorary member of the AIA (American Institute of Architects). In November 2016, the Berlin Academy of Arts grants Francisco Mangado the Berlin Art Prize-Architecture Prize 2017 in recognition of his work.

In 2008 he founded the Architecture and Society Foundation, which works to favor the interaction of architecture with other disciplines of creation, thought and economy, which has received the CSCAE gold medal (Higher Council of Architects of Spain) 2015

In July 2015 he was appointed General Coordinator of Biennials and under his coordination was awarded to the Spanish Pavilion the Golden Lion of the Venice Biennial in May 2016.

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Published on: May 5, 2015
Cite: "Fine Arts Museum of Asturias" METALOCUS. Accessed
<> ISSN 1139-6415
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