IVAM esplanade 2017 by Adrián Torres Astaburuaga

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Adrián Torres Astaburuaga

Adrían Torres

Adrián Torres Astaburuaga (1982) is URban aGENT, an Architectecture office based in Valencia that conceives its practice as a one more participant agent in the common negotiation and definition of the collective scenario. He develops architecture, urban landscape, and urban planning projects with a social, ecosystem-based, innovative economies and artistically approach. He also collaborates with Vetges Tu I Mediterrània architects, developing different urban planning, public space and construction projects.

He was member of LAminúscula collective developing emerging architecture and ecological-social innovation projects. Architect Diploma by the ETSA Valencia. Master’s degree in Theory and History of Architecture by the ETSA Barcelona where is he developing his Phd research. Post-Degree in Art and Public space research in France: ESAAA – MAMCO. He extends his studies of Experimental Architecture and Urban Planning in AAA Aarhus Architecture School, Denmark and Salvador de Bahía Architecture School Brasil.



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