In Fogo Island, about 1800 meters above sea level, in the crater of the volcano, there is a village with about 1200 people living on the fringes of legality. They occupy state lands and organize mainly agricultural activities that ensure their survival in one of the poorest areas of Cape Verde.
The status of protected area of national interest forced the zoning of farming, with limitation to construction, and introduced rules against the free occupation of the town, generating collisions of interests with frequent clashes.
The natural landscape, deeply marked by the volcano and its crater, is a unique and rare beauty, with the potential to become a world heritage site.
Very soon we will offer you another article exclusively about the building for Ihla de Fogo Natural Park Headquarters, a great project completed by Portuguese architecture office OTO Arquitectos. Its long, elegant dark walls merge into the natural landscape and let us assume the actual proportions of Ilha de Fogo's impressive territory.