Sharjah Architecture Triennial: the first international platform on architecture in the MENASA region

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Adrian Lahoud

Adrian Lahoud

Adrian Lahoud is an internationally recognised architect, urban designer, and researcher. He has written and lectured extensively on urban spatial forms and large scale environmental change with a focus on the Arab world and Africa.

He was Studio Master in the Projective Cities Master of Philosophy in Architecture and Urban Design Program at the Architectural Association London. Prior to that he was Director of the MA program in Research Architecture and a Research Fellow in the Forensic Architecture ERC project at Goldsmiths, University of London.

Drawing on nation building projects in the post-colonial period and the mobilisation of climate research by the global south, Lahoud’s PhD titled The Problem of Scale: The City, the Territory, the Planetary sets out a theory of scale drawn from architectural practice in the context of emancipatory struggles. Further recent exhibits include: The Shape of the Eclipse at Let’s Talk about the Weather: Art and Ecology in a Time of Crisis, Sursock Museum Beirut, Secular Cosmologies in After Belonging: Triennial of Architecture Oslo. Recent lectures include: Architecture and the Social Imagination at City Debates, American University of Beirut, Fallen Cities: Architecture and Reconstruction at The Arab City: Architecture and Representation, Columbia University, and Floating Bodies at Conflict Shorelines Princeton University. Recent publications include: The Mediterranean: A New Imaginary in New Geographies, Harvard University Press, The Bodele Declaration in Grain, Vapour, Ray: Textures of the Anthropocene MIT Press, Nomos and Cosmos in Supercommunity, MIT Press.

Before starting his own office, Adrian worked for Richard Goodwin and Smart Design Studio in Sydney across a wide range of scales and disciplines including art, landscape architecture, architecture and urban design.



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