Gold Medal for Architecture from the CSCAE ex aequo to Carme Pinòs and Carlos Puente

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Carme Pinós i Desplat graduated with a degree in architecture from the school of Architecture in Barcelona (ETSAB) in 1979. In the mid 1980s the architectural proposals she developed in partnership with Enric Miralles obtained recognition in several architectural competitions. In 1991 she set up her own studio and since then she has combined her activity as an architect with teaching as a guest professor at different universities such as the Graduate Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation de Columbia University (1999), the École Polytechnique Féderale of Lausanne (2001-02), the Graduate  School of Design of Harvard University (2003), the Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio (2005-06) o la Universitá di Roma Tre (2007-08).

Her built work and projects have been exhibited at several galleries and museums. The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York and the Centre Pompidou in Paris hold models of her projects in their permanent collections. Her work has been published in several monographs (Actar, 1998: Monacelli Press 2004; “Documentos de Arquitectura”, nº 60, 2006). In 2008 she received the National Prize for Architecture and Urban Space from the Catalan Government in recognition of her entire professional career.


Carlos Puente Fernández

Carlos Puente Fernández was born in Bilbao and is an architect from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM, 1973). He has been responsible for important architectural restoration projects, such as those of the Casa de las Conchas in Salamanca or the Palacio de Linares in Madrid for the headquarters of the Casa de América. A long list of public buildings, homes, offices and commercial premises in various Spanish cities are also the result of his work as an architect. His activity as a teacher has been developed as an associate professor of Architectural Projects at the ETSAM and at the CEU.

Among the many awards obtained, we can mention the COAM Architecture Award by the Valdelaguna City Council (1987) or the García Mercadal Award from the Official College of Architects of Aragón for the construction of the Aragón Library in Zaragoza, a work that was a finalist for the Mies van der Rohe Award from the European Community (1991). In the same year, both the Valdelaguna City Council and the Zaragoza Library are selected by an international jury among the twenty best Works of the 1980s in Spain. In 1994 he obtained the “Europa Nostra” Award and Medal from the European Community for the Restoration of the Palacio de Linares in Madrid and the Rehabitec Diploma from the Institute of Construction Technology of Catalonia for the Rehabilitation of the Casa de las Conchas in Salamanca.

In addition to those mentioned above, notable works in the Community of Madrid include the Faculty of Pharmacy in Alcalá de Henares, a residential building in the neighborhood of La Elipa, the House of Culture in Ciempozuelos, the Cultural Center in Guadarrama and the Cemetery of Camarma de Esteruelas. Chapter to review are his libraries; Those already mentioned, Zaragoza and the Casa de las Conchas in Salamanca, are followed by the Science Library at the University of Salamanca or the 2nd prize for the rehabilitation of the Complutense University Library (2007).



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