Hangar XS by Ecker Architekten.

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Ecker Architekten Robert Piotrowski

Robert Piotrowski. Originally from Buffalo, New York, Robert Piotrowski earned a Bachelor of Professional Science in Architecture from The State University of New York at Buffalo in 1984. In 1988, he was awarded a Master of Architecture degree from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, where he completed his thesis work with Rafael Moneo. While attending Harvard, Robert participated in a student exchange program with the ETH Zürich in 1987, and worked in the studio of DolfSchnebli. In 1995, Robert led the fifth and sixth semester undergraduate architectural design studio at the Illinois Institute of Technology, a position he held until 2000, when he and Dea Ecker began their practice in Germany. Robert was elevated to Fellowship in the Bund Deutsche Innenarchitekten (BDIA) in 2006.

Ecker Architekten Dea Ecker

Dea Ecker. Born in Heidelberg, Dea Ecker spent her formative years in Buchen, Germany, a rural village in North Baden. Dea received her DiplomIngenieurin, summa cum laude, from the College of Architecture, University of Karlsruhe in 1991. After working in Leipzig as a professional for three years,she was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study contemporary housing strategies in Chicago in 1995. In 1997, Dea completed her Master of Architecture and Urban Planning at the College of Architecture at Illinois Institute of Technology, founded by Mies van der Rohe. In 2000, Ms. Ecker established Ecker Architekten with her partner, Robert Piotrowski in Germany.  Dea was elevated to Fellowship in the Bund Deutsche Architekten (BDA) in 2007.




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