La Cadena de Cristal. Standard individuality. Collective difference

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Idea y coordinación
Rellam-. Andrea Gimeno, Lluís J. Liñán y Josep Vicent Lluch
Autores de las propuestas
Andrea Gimeno, Lluís J. Liñán, Josep Vicent Lluch, Quique Bayarri, Sálvora Feliz, Ángel Gallego, Mayte Gómez, Marta Jarabo, José Mato, Beatriz Martínez, Patricia Ocaña, Tomás Pineda, Felipe Reyno, Jesús Vassallo


Rellam is an small office composed by Andrea Gimeno, J. Linan and Xevi Lluis Lluch located in different cities depending on the time. Their works include the restoration of the Archpriest Church of Vinarós or sample design exhibition 'Pulchra Magistri' in the province of Castellon, in addition to several awards in national and international competitions.
Andrea Gimeno is an architect from the School of Architecture of Valencia and Master in Advanced Architectural Design from the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid. She is a researcher in the Research Group on Collective Housing at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. She has worked in different architectural firms as Espegel-Fisac ​​in Madrid, van Belle & Medina in Antwerp or the Architecture, Design and Research Institute at the Harbin Institute of Technology.
Lluis J. Liñán an architect from the School of Valencia and Master in Advanced Architectural Design from the School of Madrid. Currently, Lluis is Wortham Fellow at Rice University School of Architecture, where he teaches Studios and a seminar focused on the influence of digital culture in the contemporary project, central theme of his academic research. In addition to founding Redial, Lluis has collaborated with various architectural firms as Mansilla + Tuñón and Manuel Portaceli.
Xevi Lluch is an architect by ETSA of Valencia since 2012. Currently holds architect in Valencia. He has served as a partner in architectural studies like Manuel Portaceli and has worked on the restoration of heritage buildings Carles hand Boigues. In turn he has also collaborated on the exhibition project of the exhibition Camins d'Art 'in Alcoy.



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