Mariela Apollonio. Woman Photographer

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Mariela Apollonio

Mariela Apollonio (Valencia) develops her professional work in the field of architectural photography since 2008 as Fotógrafa de arquitectura. She has been merging her artistic vision with her professional work from the very beginning of her career. This particular approach has influenced her way of understanding architectural photography assuming that this profession defines a way of thinking that sheds some sense of reality. Without compromising the author's vision, she also believes that it's impossible not to interpret architecture from subjectivity and thought.

She studied Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), where she also completed a Master of Photography, Art and Technique. She has been a guest professor in the Master of Artistic Production in the same University.

Mariela has worked for several architectural offices in Spain, Germany and Italy, and her work has been published worldwide in specialized journals and exhibited in both national and international galleries and art fairs. Fotógrafa de arquitectura lives and works halfway between Valencia and Berlin.




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