The irregular geometry as well as the restricted budget are the main conditions to face by CiO estudio in order to solve the construction of the new public parking El Carbonero.

CiO estudio turns every issue into an opportunity when it comes to solve the pre-existing imposed conditions for the construction of the new public parking El Carbonero.

A truss beam system is used, covering  28 meters, to solve the irregular geometry of the plot within a limited budget of 250€/m². In this way it is cut down on the prices as well as the amount of steel to be used compared with a conventional structure.

Description of the project by CiO estudio

The old El Carbonero bus station was built in 1970 in Padre Suárez St. in Oviedo. The building housed 40 dwellings for workers of the company, and in the ground floor level, basement and courtyard it was located the station.

When it finished its activity in 2007, El Carbonero S.A. company, owner of the establishments, decided to set it up for its future use as a public parking. For that purpose it would be necessary to cover in its totality the 1,700sqm courtyard, as well as adapt the basement and the access of the existing building, creating a new pedestrian way through the building.

Public parking El Carbonero by CiO estudio. Image © courtesy of CiO estudio.

The project has as a started point several conditions: a very irregular plot and very few compatible with the parking use, important acoustics limitations because of the adjacent residential buildings, difficult height limitations defined by the town planning regulations as well as a limited budget of 250€/sqm. The geotechnical report established that the proper surface for the foundations was 4 meters.

The main project premise was, without doubt, functionality, but we also accepted every challenge as an opportunity for going further the client expectations.

In the first place we defined an optimal distribution diagram, setting in 70 the minimum number of parking spaces, with adapted spaces, a minimum of 10 big spaces, 5 meters wide paths and spin radius of 6 meters.

The cover geometry was defined by an enclosed planes system, adapting to the irregular perimeter of the courtyard.

It is formed by 5 gables with the same 7% slope according to the height limits and optimizing the maximum built volumen. It is used a sandwich acoustic panel as material for the cover, with a percentage of polycarbonate defined by the acoustic studio for the entrance of natural light and the reduction of the electric consumption.

In collaboration with Francisco Mena we designed a metallic structure with two different structural levels of truss beams made with steel pipes of 100x100mm, covering 28 meters of lifespan. This structural typology allowed us to solve the support just with 11 points, responding to two different issues at the same time: cut down on the foundations, which would have resulted expensive and difficult to execute, and provide a better confort of the space.

Public parking El Carbonero by CiO estudio. Photography © Daniel Ojanguren.

Furthermore, the place of the truss beam allows to adapt the supports position to the parking space distribution, achieving 70 parking spaces spacious and with an easy access.

The amount of steel used was 14,5 kg/m², achieving a reduction of 30% in the structure and foundation costs compared with a conventional system of steel beams and supports with spans of 7 meters.

Text.- CiO estudio.

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CiO estudio, Japi Contonente and Sara Ojanguren arquitectos.
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Francisco Mena, Construcciones Emilio Cueto S.L. (construction company).
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2.300 m².
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575,000€. 250€/m².
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Padre Suárez St., Oviedo, Spain.
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CiO estudio is an office established in 2012 by the architects Japi Contonente and Sara Ojanguren, located both in Madrid and Barcelona. It is the result of a permanent professional collaboration which started in 1995, when they started together their architecture studios in Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid.

This collaboration through the time has served as a place of interchange and enrichment between what both have in common, architecture, and as well in this fields in which they have been developing independently.

CiO estudio currently develops architecture projects, interior design, digital fabrication, scenography and interactives. Their work methodology begins with a deep analysis of the statements: physic context, economic, technological, material and social of the project, whatever it will be the scale and budget. This aspects provide several inputs, complex questions which have to be answer with both easy and effective answers.

This questions make reference to the funcional part, but also to the sensorial, experimental, sustainability, economic viability of the project, its management, etc. The result is a complex process, where architect/designer/creator works as a organizer of knowledge and resources, with the goal of taking closer to the final solution with emotion and equilibrium.

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