Reinterpreting the past. U-Market by Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten

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Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten. Lead architect.- Yu-Han Michael Lin.
General Contractor
Fuguach Architecture.
Gross Built Area.- 780 m². Footprint.- 615 m². Plot Area.- 1492 m².
No. 70, Sanshui St, Wanhua District, Taipei City, 108.

Martin Behet, Roland Bondzio, Yu-han Michael Lin. Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten

Behet Bondzio Lin Architekten is a firm founded by Martin Behet, Roland Bondzio, Yu-han Michael Lin.

Martin Behet, born 1965 in Cologne. Carpenter training. Architectural studies TU Braunschweig; ETH Zurich. Chair Per Krusche. Professional stations: GPS Gondesen Piachnow Staack, Braunschweig; Gatermann, Schossig & Partner, Cologne; Kister Scheithauer Gross, Cologne; Manfred Bukowski, Münster. 2000 Founding of the office Behet + Bondzio. 2003 Foundation of the office behet bondzio lin Architekten Münster | Leipzig | Taichung. Since 2017 member of the board of BDA Münster-Münsterland.

Roland Bondzio, born 1966 in Bielefeld. Architectural studies TU Braunschweig; ETSA Barcelona; Architecture Center Vienna. Chair Meinhard von Gerkan. Career: Casa Blanca, Brunswick; Enric Miralles, Barcelona; Walter Gebhardt, Hamburg; Bolles + Wilson, Münster. 2000 Founding of the office Behet + Bondzio. 2003 Foundation of the office behet bondzio lin Architekten Münster | Leipzig | Taichung. Teaching: Research Assistant at the Chair of Design and Constructing, University of Hannover. Teaching assignments at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau and the Münster School of Architecture. Since 2014 chairman of the design advisory board of the city of Greven. Member of the Förderverein Bundesstiftung Baukultur e.V. Since 2015 member of the board of BDA Münster-Münsterland

Yu-han Michael Lin, born 1967 in Taipei. Studied architecture at Tunghai University, Taizhong, Taiwan; Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, USA. Chair Rafael Moneo. Career: Fei & Chen Partner, Taipei, Taiwan; And8, Hamburg; Bolles + Wilson, Münster. 2003 Foundation of the office behet bondzio lin Architekten Münster | Leipzig | Taichung. Lectureship: Visiting Professor Department of Architecture Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan. Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Architecture NCTU, Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Associate Professor, Department of Architecture Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan



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