Theatre performance by Guy de Cointet. Museo Reina Sofía.

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Guy de Cointet

Guy de Cointet (Paris, 1934 - Los Angeles, 1983) moved from Paris to New York in 1965 and then to Los Angeles in 1968. From the sixties until his untimely death in 1983, this French-born artist was an influential figure in the art scene in Los Angeles. Their representations are linguistic landscape in which everyday events are linked to certain objects, colors and letters.

As a Frenchman living in the U.S., was a perfect Cointet observer of the society of entertainment. His literary works are a puzzle inspired by the work of Raymond Roussel and the tropes of American soap operas. In his study investigated the boundaries between high and low, performance and sculpture, theater and everyday life. Five Sisters is the last work that was staged over the life of Cointet and marks a departure from his previous work with attention to light as the main catalyst of emotion. It collaborated with the sculptor Eric Orr who created the lighting, set design and some of the sound, and with musician Joseph Hammer.




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