On Wednesday January 18, Dutchman Theo Jansen, known as the "Leonardo da Vinci of the 21st century", will give a lecture in the auditorium of the IAAC. This engineer, scientist and artist in his lecture will show a new way of life: Strandbeest (beach beasts), a project that has been dedicated during the last two decades.
Below, left 4 videos, including the "Strandbeest"
The monumental sculptures Strandbeest seem so organic and real that merge away with huge prehistoric dinosaur skeletons. However, they are made from materials as simple as plastic tubing or tape. Without motors or any kind of assistive technology, Jansen makes these giant structures to life, requiring only the wind and sand from the beach to activate. Engineering, biomechanics and art come together in the amazing work by Theo Jansen, taking the concept of kinetic sculpture to its highest level.
Everyone who first observed the beauty of these sculptures by sand moving immediately understood that the work of the engineer, scientist and artist is something very special. This genius Dutch studies the history of biological evolution to equip their new generations of creatures growing abilities. He himself sets eras or periods for their "beasts", which evolve as if it were real dinosaurs.
Venue: Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña, IAAC,C/ Pujades 102, Poble Nou, Barcelona
Date: Wednesday the 18th of January
Time: 19.30pm- 21.00pm