Joan Casals and José Luis Cisneros present three proposals with three different methods of intervention to restore and promote the spaces of a house.

The intervention proposed by Agora Arquitectura for Eulalia House focuses on the recovery of the stairs of the building, the opening of holes in the roofs and the contrast between materials.

In the Caballero House, located between party walls, Casals and Cisneros take advantage of the opening of a skylight in the courtyard to illuminate the entire space, that has also a new attic area that could be used as a bedroom.

And finally, in Bondietti House he seeks to create a more adaptable space for the conditions of rental houses, and in order to do thar all walls were demolished except for three, which are used to divide and organize the program in the longitudinal direction, improving the circulation and separation of the private areas.

Description of the projects by Joan Casals and José Luis Cisneros

The job proposes to join in a single home, the two flloors top and the roof of an old residential compound, immersed in one of those party walls that many times define some landscape's oversight of our neighborhoods.

The first action, with the help of a brick plinth, introduces a community ladder inside the new home. The second, making a series of holes in the ceilings of the roof, provide zenith lighting to the darkest parts of the floor visually connecting with the outside. Then, it's only necessary to rediscover the material of some Catalan Curve ceilings, strip some structurres and it is not afraid of introducing new elements: The spruce wood siding gives space dimension. The nude ceramic partitions, remember in a very intimate space, the nearly construction. The textures proposed for the roof, plays hide and seek with the always present party walls.

The building is wedged between two party walls of an ancient residential complex built in the district of Les Corts. A damp and dark floor of thirty five square meters, located in a narrow and abandoned inner courtyard, rediscovers a many times forgotten intestitial situation.

A sanitary flooring, in continuity with a vertical concrete block wall linings, create a shared air chamber with cross ventilation to control the humidity. Block walls scale the height of the space, serving as support for a private mezzanine bedroom that ventilates throught the main facade. A border birch wood box hides a water program that converges outwards. A translucent polycarbonate box appropiates a stripped inner courtyard dramatizing the interior experience. Exterior and interior get confused. Each one in their own place. Giving new sense of the rediscovered courtyard.

In a forty-five square meters flat located in the third floor of a building placed in Poble Sec’s district, was suggested the necessity to update the building’s programme in accordance with the nowadays’ renting needs.

With the idea of making the best possible use of natural light and with the willpower of dignifying and reinforcing some elements from the old living space first we knocked down all the partition walls that in perpendicular position were not helping to distribute the light. We also suggested a new oak’s wooden floor, fixed on DM panels and pine’s strip tighten floor existent beams, in order to confront the Catalan curved ceiling made of plane bricks. The wooden beams that we have recuperated, allows to start a kind of horizontal container where afterwards, it could appear a new possible distribution in the space.

In white, around the three only partition walls that where kept from the old building, have been arranged the new building’s programme. The first partition wall, that separated the bedroom from the living room, has been doubled to reinforce and to avoid the possible bendings in the central part of the flat. The second one, that separated the dining room with the kitchen, has been drilled by light underpinnings made of steel, overlapping transversely the group of closed programmes. In the third one, that finally separated the kitchen from the bathroom, reducing the height, allowed a kind and useful circulation in the flat, distinguishing the public areas from the private ones.

The uncoated bricks from the dividing wall have been reappeared to close and delimit vertically the content that we wanted to show, sometimes emphasizing some possible overlapping programmes interpretations, sometimes contributing to give more profundity to the narrowest rooms. The hydraulic mosaics pavement found in the apartment where also relocated to point the new wet zones such as the kitchen, the dining room and the bathroom. In this way, the old wooden doors where restored with some remnants of wood founded and they’ve generated new ways of opening and closing spaces.


Project.- Casa Eulalia.
Architect.- Joan Casals Pañella.
Use.- Vivienda privada.
Area.- 60 sqm + 60 sqm.
Dates.- January 2015.
Location.- L'Hospitalet de Llobregat.

Project.- Casa Caballero.
Architects.- José Luis Cisneros y Joan Casals Pañella.
Use.- Vivienda/local de alquiler.
Area.- 35 sqm.
Dates.- July 2015.
Location.- Les Corts.

Project.- Casa Bondietti.
Architect.- Joan Casals Pañella.
Use.- Vivienda de alquiler.
Area.- 45 sqm.
Dates.- July 2015.
Location.- Pobla Sec.

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ÁGORA, (From the Greek ἀγορά-, is the term for which in Ancient Greece it was known the meeting place par excellence of the cities), since 2014 is a space located in Barcelona where architects Joan Casals Pañella and Jose Luis Cisneros Bardolet meet to meditate together about the architecture project. A profession exercice where resolve the difficult insertion of architecture with its social and physical context becomes a common principle.

Joan Casals Pañella (Barcelona, 1982). Architect in October 2005 by the ESARQ UIC, MTPPA by the ETSAB UPC in July 2010 and PhD in January 2020 by the DPA  of the ETSAB UPC with the thesis: “Poetics in contemporary Catalan architecture: architecture as landscape, landscape as architecture”. Has obtained the general grant of the Education Ministry GRAL09, the research grant FI-DGR 2011 and the support university teachers grant AAD 2013 by AGAUR. Has worked with architects Fermín Vázquez, Juan Trias de Bes and Alfredo Arribas. Has been part of the jury of various national and international architecture competitions. Has been architectural design professor at the ETSAB UPC in the Cátedra Blanca of Carlos Ferrater between 2011-14. Since 2020 is associate professor of the DPA of the ETSAB UPC acredited by AQU as a lecturer professor.

Jose Luis Cisneros Bardolet (Barcelona, 1982). Architect in October 2005 by the School of Architecture of the International University of Catalonia (UIC ESARQ) and Master in Theory and Practice of Architecture (MTTPA) by the school of Architecture of Barcelona of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC ETSAB) in 2011. Has worked with architect Josep Lluís Mateo in his office MAP Architects (2005-2008).
2021 Selected Interior FAD Award 63 Edition.
2020 Finalists Architecture FAD Award 62 Edition.
2020 Mostra d’Arquitectura Catalana de Barcelona Award 3 Edition.
2020 Selected Catalunya Construcció Award 17 Edition.
2020 Selected Enor Architecture Award VIII Edition.
2020 Egurtek Award 5 Edition.
2020 Silver EMPORIA VIII Edition Award.
2019 First Prize Contest of architecture projects for the remodeling of a building of 9 houses in Avilés.
2019 First Prize Contest of architecture projects for the remodeling of Plaça Europa in Santa Oliva.
2019 Opinion Prize Premis d’Arquitectura de les Comarques de Girona 22nd Edition.
2019 Jury Mention Premis d’Arquitectura de les Comarques de Girona 22nd Edition.
2019 Golden EMPORIA 7th Edition Award.
2018 AJAC Award Interior XI Edition Refurbishment.
2016 Finalists Arquia Próxima Award 5th Edition.
2016 Finalists Contest of ideas for the reform and expansion of the Vilanova Yacht Club.
2015 First Prize Restricted competition for the implementation of a Creation Athenaeum in Montcada Street in Barcelona.
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