Transforming a School into Interpretation Flamenco Center by García Torrente Arquitectos

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García Torrente Arquitectos SLP
Facilities advisor.- ASTER Consultores (Sevilla). Structure advisor.- EDARTEC (Sevilla). Redaction.- Sara Pavón Castillero. Security and health.- García Torrente Arquitectos, Project execution coordination.- Cristina Sanabria Rodríguez. Quality control.- LAENSA S.R.L. Laboratorio Andaluz de Ensayops de la Construcción. Director of the work execution.- Cristina Sanabria Rodríguez
Ayuntamiento de Lebrija, Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda. JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA. Dirección Gral. Rehabilitación y Arquitectura. Legal representative.- Dña María José Fernández Muñoz (Mayor-President)
Construction company
Alberto Domínguez Blanco. Restauración. Monumentos S.A.
Bidding budget.- 843,237.00 € . Cost/m².- 1,596.04 €/m²
528.33 m²

Marisol García Torrente, Ubaldo García Torrente, García Torrente Architects

García Torrente Architects is a firm leaded by Marisol García Torrente and Ubaldo García Torrente. In which they collaborate at present: Esaú Vázquez Rodríguez, architect; Cristina Sanabria and Miguel Portilla, technical architects; Salvador López Cervantes and José Navarrete Jiménez; Daedalus, restoration and ZOOOM seven revolts seven, construction company. 

Marisol García Torrente is an Architect since 1993 by the School of Architecture of Seville. > Full-time associate professor of the Architectural Projects Area at the School of Architecture of Granada. Professor of the "Master Architecture and Historical Heritage". MARPH. University of Seville, Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage. Ministry of Culture. Junta de Andalucía. 2002

Ubaldo García Torrente is an architect in free development of the profession since 1983> Associate Professor of the Area of ​​Architectural Projects at the School of Architecture of Granada. Coordinator of the international cooperation program Andalucía-Mexico City. for the exchange and promotion of activities in the field of architecture, social housing and urban planning, between the Junta de Andalucía and the department of the federal district of Mexico City. General Directorate of Architecture and Housing. Junta de Andalucía. From 1993 to 2001.



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