The upside down house. Chester House by MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects

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Project team
Design Lead.- Brian MacKay-Lyons. Project Architect.- Matt Jones. Structural Engineer.- James Miller, Campbell Comeau Engineering Limited. Construction.- Special Projects.
125.4191 sqm.
Completion year.- 2021.
Chester, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Brian MacKay-Lyons, Talbot Sweetapple. MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects is an architectural firm with headquarters in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and offices in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Oregon and Massachusetts. The studio's main partners are its founders Brian MacKay-Lyons and Talbot Sweetapple. They also have Melanie Hayne as general director and Shane Andrews as design associate. In practice they work locally and internationally on cultural, academic and residential projects, providing complete architecture, interior design and urban design services.

Both partners are actively involved in architectural education, Brian as a recently retired Senior Lecturer and faculty member at Dalhousie University for 37 years, and Talbot, as an Adjunct Professor since 1997 and Professor of Practice since 2013. Together, they have taken on 18 projects of architecture, academic professorships and visiting professorships at world-leading universities, such as: The Peter Behrens School of Architecture, Washington University in St. Louis and Harvard University. They have also given more than 200 public lectures about their work around the world.

Brian MacKay-Lyons, a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Architecture of Canada (FRAIC) and the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (RCA), was made an Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (Hon FAIA) in 2001 and an International Fellow by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in London in 2016. Additionally, the firm's work has appeared internationally in more than 700 publications and 100 exhibitions

In more than 30 years of work, the studio has built an international reputation for design excellence confirmed by more than 150 awards.

Global Sustainable Architecture Award 2017.
Six National and International Architecture Honor Awards from the American Institute of Architects (AIA).
Four Architectural Record Houses awards.
Gold Medal from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) in 2015.
RAIC Firm Award in 2014.
Eight Governor General's Medals.
Fifteen Medals of Excellence from the Lieutenant Governor.
Eight awards from Canadian architects.
Thirteen North American wood design and construction awards.



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