28th Street Apartments

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Hank Koning, Julie Eizenberg. KONING EIZENBERG

Koning Eizenberg Architecture (KEA) was established in 1981 by Hank Koning FAIA, FRAIA, LEED AP, and Julie Eizenberg, AIA, with Brian Lane, AIA, LEED AP assuming a managing principal role in 2003. It is based in Santa Monica, California. The firm is recognized especially for its work in the following fields: adaptive reuse of historic buildings, educational facilities, community places, and housing.

The firm’s well-known body of work includes the AMP lofts in LA (2007) and the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2005). KEA's work has been published extensively both in the US and abroad, and has earned over 100 awards for design, sustainability and historic preservation.




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