A house that optimizes resources. Röhrig House by Studio Hertweck

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Studio Hertweck. Florian Hertweck & Pierre Alexandre Devernois.
Project team
F. Hertweck, Ira Matheis, Loïc Morin.
Structural Engineer.- Stelio Berikaki, Sinzig. Technical Supervision of the construction.- Ira Matheis, Architect, Remagen.
Area Superficie
182 m².
Planning Phase.- 2014-2015. Construction Phase.- 2016-2020.
Construction Type
Sandwich Concrete Walls 16/14/20, Concrete slabs, Timber/aluminum windows.

Florian Hertweck. Studio Hertweck

Studio Hertweck is a creative laboratory established by Florian Hertweck. An architecture firm with an international network of outstanding experts in various fields, from landscape architecture to climatic engineering, who regularly come together for innovative designs and the realization of various projects, from the scale of the architectural object to the neighborhood, and territorial strategies.

Florian Hertweck is an architect with more than 15 years of practice in architecture and urban design at various scales. He holds a PhD in the history of arts and is full professor at the University of Luxembourg, where he chairs the master programme “Architecture, European Urbanisation, Globalisation” (www.masterarchitecture.lu).

In 2018 he curated, together with Andrea Rumpf, the Luxembourg Pavilion for the 16th Architecture Biennial in Venice, for which he co-edited the accompanying Arch+ “The Property Issue. Ground Control and the Commons”.

Since 2018, Hertweck is leading, together with Milica Topalovic from ETH Zurich, a consortium of researchers and planners for the development of a territorial design strategy for Greater Geneva 2050. He is currently working on a book on the land property issue and its relation to the very essence of urbanism and architecture.

Hertweck’s major publications include: Positions on Emancipation. Architecture between Aesthetics and Politics (Lars Müller Publishers 2018, together with Nikos Katsikis), Dialogic City. Berlin wird Berlin (Walther König Verlag 2015, with Arno Brandlhuber and Thomas Mayfried); the critical edition of Oswald Mathias Ungers’ and Rem Koolhaas’ The city in the city. Berlin: a Green Archipelago (Lars Müller Publishers 2013, with Sébastien Marot); Climat(s) (Infolio, 2012, with Thierry Mandoul, Jac Fol and Virginie Lefebvre); Der Berliner Architekturstreit (Gebr. Mann Verlag 2010).



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