Against the mountain. Yun Lu hotel by Atelier Liu Yuyang

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Liu Yuyang, Cao Feile, Wu Congbao. Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects

Liu Yuyang was born in Taiwan and educated in the United States. Mr. Liu Yuyang received his Master in Architecture from Harvard University Graduate School of Design and his B.A. in Urban Studies and Planning from the University of California, San Diego. While at Harvard, Mr. Liu researched with Rem Koolhaas and co-authored the “Great Leap Forward”, a seminal work on the urbanization of China’s Pearl River Delta.

Having held a number of professional and academic positions in the US, Hong Kong and Shanghai since 1997, Mr. Liu leads the Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects in its full design and management responsibilities, and serves as a member of the Shanghai Architectural Society Academic Committee, an advisory architect for the Shanghai Qingpu District Land and Planning Bureau, and a mentor of the Domus Young Bird Plan—a non-profit initiate to help students and young professionals of the global Chinese design community.

Besides teaching and lecturing widely in China and internationally, Mr. Liu had been involved extensively in curatorial works, most notably the 2007 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-annual Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, the 2010 Chengdu International Architectural Biennale, and the 2012 Mock-up Architectural Exhibition at the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art.




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